2 years ago

7:39 clip from; FEAR - Excerpt of an excerpt, 1961 Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille.

Fear - Dr. V. P. Wierwille (Excerpt from Holy Spirit Camp, Chataqua OH 1961

[When] are we going to stand on the Word in the church? I know it is going to cost you. But Ladies and Gentleman, if you don’t stand it is going to cost you a lot more. Not only in this life but in the next one. I thought last night, you know, I went home, I was awful tired and then I couldn’t sleep when I got there, because things began jelling within me. The Power of God moved and then I see things happen. I thought, we talked about fear and I got sort of whipped by the Lord back there spiritually speaking for what I said about fear. I made the statement here last night that everybody has fear when it comes regarding these things and God told me, you don’t love me. Because he said if perfect love casts out what? [fear] And he said when I said that I didn’t say everything that I knew which was true. I should of really beat the thing in at that time. You know what he told me last night? He said I give it to you in love upon freedom of the will and you are afraid?? What would you ever do if they lined you up in front of a firing squad? Would you be afraid then? … Why be afraid when God has given it as a gift? … I tell ya, I felt whipped when the Lord talked to me like that last night. I wonder why I ever unsold him like that. I know better than that because I know the Word: Perfect love casts out all fear. Why be afraid of anything? Here is a link for the full sharing/teaching; https://eternallyblessed.org/archive/fear-dr-v-p-wierwille-excerpt-from-holy-spirit-camp-chataqua-oh-1961-3054

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