Did he just insult the governors of OUR individual United States.? I think maybe he did.

2 years ago

I feel so torn. I feel so bad for people who want to come here, and live a good life. But, if we can’t even take care of our own people. How can we help more?? The nerve of these people. Claiming to represent our countries. Is insane.

I try really hard to not be a “conspiracy person”. But. It’s not very easy. When they say things like this. Out loud.

Did we just “become” the United countries of South, central, north and upper North America…?
Maybe I’m just hearing things in a weird way. Idk anymore.
But this feels very sketchy. From most reports I’ve seen. The majority of people coming into the country right now are younger men…. Why?? Wouldn’t the elderly and young… need the most help? And if they’re now just transporting people from the first country they enter. Directly here. That would make the dangerous trip easier..

I have so many questions right now.

Link to full video below.


Is this the re-population of America and Canada? It’s something weird for sure.

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