Consequences of removing Freedom of Speech

1 year ago

My script:

There're always terrible people who say something really provoking and hateful, but it doesn't mean that you should put them into prisons simply because they are offending others.

There'll be consequences in doing so, removing the freedom of speech also removes the freedom of the exchange of genuine ideas, of genuine opinions, of honesty!

I am not saying that genuine ideas are equal to hate speech, they are not the same, but at the same time, we cannot give the government the power to dictate and define what is and what's not.
Since the government will just use that as a tyrannical tool to suppress opinions that don't favour the administration itself.

It strips people of their honesty if you prosecute people for their honesty, and turn them into hypocrites, and liars.

Removing the freedom of speech will make it easier for the people who exploits others for their personal gains to reach moral highground as long as they are politically correct.

A business that runs on lies, with fake information, fake data, fake opinions and fake responses, will never produce enough to cover its expense, the only way for it to survive is to exploit people's innocence, either by scamming or coercing others,
coercion can exist in forms of holding hostage, legal action, monetary punishment etc.

stripping away the opportunities for people to go on an adventure, the way I want to describe adventure here is that, people should carry hope to the future, should be able to hope to achieve something greater in the future,
instead of being constantly demoralized, being fed the ideas that their futures will be hopeless, dismal and grim.

It's not the lack of materials that kills our souls, it's the lost of hope.

We don't need an authority to tell us what's OK to say and what's not, let alone prosecuting people for their opinions.
We are not babies who cannot even handle our own emotions, who will be offended whenever someone else says otherwise that needs an authority to handle our emotions.

Those liberals aren't liberals, there is a reason why we add NEO before it, they are Neo-liberals who will accept draconian measures that will ultimately destroy humanity, even if our flesh remains, our souls won't.

When they are promoting the so called diversity, they are trying to exterminate all other opinions, canceling everyone else who says otherwise, I don't see the diversity here if they are trying to turn us into a hive mind.

The scariest part of all, of causing mass delusion in the population is that, you are making them unaware of their evil sides, their evil sides will be hidden deeper and deeper within them when there's a lack of exchange of genuine opinions to make them aware of their evil sides.
(the exchange of ideas where people engage in conversation and be humble at the same time, so that people will realize their own mistakes when they think it through, and also make people understand their identities in different social settings,
because identities are given by others out of your past and competence, similar to respect, it's given, it cannot be made up. For example to understand your evil side, the more people you have deep conversation with, the more examples you will get from others' personal experience
that might overlap with your evil side, of course you can read books but direct conversation is always better, more intimate and it's two ways in which you get responses from the others.)

Many people would say, yea if their evil sides are hidden then it's good, what's wrong with that?

Well, nothing wrong will happen as long as the environment stays the same, until it's not anymore.

People who are well aware of their evil sides will self restrain their actions, at least they know what's evil and what's not, when the environment changes, if they stand strong with their own principles, they will be the ones who fight back against tyranny, against the other evils in the world.

On the contrary, people who aren't aware of their evil sides will not even know what they will do when the environment changes, they are subconciously seeking for approval from authorities and gain their virtue points, reach their own hypothetical moral highgrounds,
in the world of violence and radical ideologies, those are the ones who think that they are doing good by putting others into gas chambers, commiting horrible atrocities with the craziest excuses ever.
(Climate change is already used as an excuse to impose Climate lockdowns, if we don't stop it, the administration will just find even more excuses to oppress the people)

We have to be aware of our own psyches, when we do it together, we heal the overall minds of our societies, we cannot just give up and let it plunge into a dystopia.

#freedomofspeech #psyche #dystopia #identity #evil #liberal #cancelculture #hypocrisy #emotional #authority #administration #government #climatelockdown #politicallycorrect #tyranny

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