Facebook SEC USA is stealing raiding Maori Indigenous Private Estate Security Bonds

2 years ago

This is an investigation into the covid19 response policy launched by WEF Washington Klaus Schwabb-HillaryClinton-JohnKerry-JoeBiden-BarakObama administrations & Darpa Pentagons AI Spyeare Social media. The dirty SHARES ALLOCATED, illegally, using their self claimed policy laws. Living off the benfit of Aotearoa, NewZealand, using polilitican & police puppets as their Bond Transfer Agents. They arrested Private Landowners using covid19 respone, forced Signatures to sign over Lands & Bonds tradee as Cash. Covid19 is a Land Invasion, Bank Robbery! The crowns-vatican-rothchilds leaders are deceased & bankrupt broke. We want their dictators removed by arrests! The Politician & Police must Go!
022 8567281. More Evidence about UN-WEF-WHO dictatorship.

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