Who'd You Rather Hear: Adam Schiff or Pramila Jayapal? (Wed. 1-11-23)

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Alpha Jerky vs eggs? Climate propaganda? Baked Alaska persecuted for J6! Adam Schiff! Pramila Jayapal! 6yo shot teacher!

0:00:00 Wed, Jan 11, 2023 AD
0:02:41 Hey, guys!
0:03:54 Mouth watering Alpha Jerky, begrudging ad
0:09:30 Egg shortage, bird flu, supply chain
0:13:02 Climate Change has fingerprints: extreme weather
0:23:14 Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg gets 5 months
0:28:10 Baked Alaska 60 days jail for J6, lame article
0:47:14 Shifty Adam Schiff: Investigate the investigators
0:54:48 "Secret Ambition" - Michael W. Smith
0:59:35 Hake talks during the music
1:02:27 Pramila Jayapal: MAGA extremists vs Women
1:15:40 Pramila for Congress: Immigrant rights, RINOs
1:20:37 ART, OH: 6yo shot teacher; athletes collapsing
1:31:11 BRANDON, NY: Choose gender, but not be charged?
1:40:42 Keeping adults like kids: Obamacare, student loan forgiveness
1:42:18 MARI, CA: Happy New Year! Sick! Friend died!
1:45:39 BRIAN, NC: Not buying media speculation! Truth…
1:51:01 RICK, VA: Thoughts in privatizing Social Security?
1:53:04 "The Throne" - Michael W. Smith

The Hake Report, Wednesday, January 11, 2023 AD

MUSIC: "Secret Ambition" and "The Throne" by Michael W. Smith, from 1988 album "I 2 (Eye)" //

CALLERS later in the second hour!
ART, OH: 6yo who shot teacher, "guaranteed" welfare mom! Passing out on-field! //
BRANDON, NY: How do kids choose genders, but they're not responsible for shootings? //
MARI, CA: Happy New Year! Update on family… Support BOND! //
BRIAN, NC: I don't buy that it's necessarily the vaxx taking people out! //
RICK, HAMPTON, VA: Florida black Republican vs. Joy Reid on privatizing Social Security //

BLOG https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2023/1/11/whod-you-rather-hear-adam-schiff-or-pramila-jayapal-wed-1-11-23

ALSO ON SUBSTACK / PODCAST https://thehakereport.substack.com/p/whod-you-rather-hear-adam-schiff?sd=pf


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