Messiah of the Illuminati - presented by CHRIS EVERARD

2 years ago

Messiah of the Illuminati - presented by CHRIS EVERARD

The Catholic world, some Christian churches and also Islam are being managed and run by people who are members of a very secretive cult which has 150,000+ members worldwide. This cult have passed under the RADAR for centuries. This is part one of a TV Special presented by Christopher Everard - watch the whole film on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL - Learn more at this link -
Enjoy at your own risk - MATURE CONTENT
Religion, Politics, MSM, News, Conspiracy, Immigration, Culture War, Human Exploitation, Child Trafficking, Anti-White, Canada, America, USA, Europe, Israel, European Union, United Nations, Covid19, Vaccines, Plandemic, Pandemic, War, Anti-semitism, Torah, Talmud, Kabbalah, Bible, Jews, Gnostic, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Zionism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Facism, Nationalism, Totalitarianism, Marxism, Bolshevism, Trans-humanism, Feminism, Technocratic Dictatorship, WEF, The Great Reset, FAFO, 2A, NWO, MOSSAD, CIA, NSA, Censored, INFOWARS, Government, Protocols, Hitler, Audio books, History, WWI, WWII, Documentary, Hollywood, Music Industry, Propaganda, MK-Ultra Mind Control, Subversion, Symbolism, Occult Knowledge, Saturn Death Cult, JQ, Goyim, Sabbateanism, Frankism, Calvanists, Secret Societies, Freemasons, Illuminati, Kazahrs, Blacknobility, Saxe, Coburg, Gotha, Guelphs, Ghidellines, Royal Family, Jesuits, Rothschilds, Vatican, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Rockefeller, Council of 300, Deep State, Club of Rome, Documentaries, Geoengineering, Weather Manipulation, HAARP, Stratosphereic Aerosol Injections, Chem-trails, Depopulation Agenda, Clown World, Comparative Mythology, Paganism, Theology, Nature, Astrology, Astrotheology, Mystery Schools, Planet Worship, Star Worship, Esoteric, Media, Corruption, NIH, Mrna Vaxx, Genetic Therapy, Elite, Satanists, Cabal, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburg Group, Hidden History, Spirituality, Multiculturalism, Genocide, Kalergi Plan, Nanotechnology, Health Care, Microbots, Nanobots, Science, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, AI, 911, False Flag, Operation Northwoods, Aliens, UFO's, Extra-Dimensional Beings, Rituals, Bloodlines,
frankism sabbateanism illuminati jesuits jews judaism religion kabbalah corruption

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