2 years ago

Preached by Jeffrey Sapocinik on Sunday, December 18, 2022.

You know, there are times when it feels like we are walking through the hard places of life all alone. There are times when it seems that the presence of God is so far from us and nowhere to be found. It is during these times when it seems that the devil is the only one around. Now, of course, this is not true. But there are times in our life when we have felt alone and open to the devices of the enemy. He comes around to do to us just what he did to our Lord in the wilderness. Satan comes to mock our faith and challenge our resolve when it comes to our faith in the Lord. But may we all be reminded that when it seems that we are alone, we are not. God is there every step of the way. For he has promised to never leave us, nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

GRACE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 120 Barrymore Rd, Scarborough, ON. M1J 1W8

☎️ 647-888-9560


GRACE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH is an Historic Baptist Church standing for the ancient landmarks of Historic Baptists


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