The ULTIMATE Balenciaga IceBerg REMASTERED! (4K) *NEW*

2 years ago

UPDATED with 1 extra chapter!! Extra chapter "Barred from YouTube!

With the 30 day detainment of Andrew Tate immediately following his recent talks of secret societies, Balenciaga, lockdown mandates we spotted a pattern of control between Celebrities who have been silent on Balenciaga. Silence, "Selective Morality" and "Selective Outrage" that goes deeper and darker than imaginable.

In Entertainment, whoever pays you, tells you what you are allowed to say. In Media, the news is free bc of influence, who ever controls the narritive, gets paid. The planet is still controlled by slavery. America is the wealthiest country on earth yet exports "0", due to outsourced labour & debt.

The story of the Balenciaga Saga unravels when direct ties to the underbelly of the occult influence in Film, Politics and Fashion is unveiled. Practices sworn to secrecy among various fraternal groups and to hide a groups activities, language is abused.

The term "Conspiracy theory" is a phrase institutionalised in 1964 by the CIA to discredit people who question official narratives surrounding the assignation of John F Kennedy. As of December 12, 2022, official information act documents confirmed the CIA's involvement in the JFK assassination.

Commonly used words or phrases that are an abuse of language (intellectual terrorism) to avoid accountability are:
- Conspiracy Theory (Critical Thinking)
- Disinformation
- Hate Speech
- Misogyny
- Phobic
- Anti
- Racist

Celebrities push agenda’s around the clock shamelessly:
- Woman’s rights (instead of terming it human rights)
- Climate Change
- Political parties

Yet were silent on the exploitation of children. In the entertainment today, companies are “manufacturing false homogeneity” to Tell-A-Vision that reflects the world (Which is the world of LA). Instead of creating diverse programming with original IP's, the industry is creating false Homogeneity that makes modern TV & Film predictable w/ is tokenism. Some celebrity find hedonism and perversion from "access to excess" with BDSM debautchery for children tolerable bc their children can be protected. However, this is not relatable to the everyday global citizen or American who they are devoid of relating to to care. Children precious, impressionable, incapable of critically thinking or making decisions with being adult influenced. Abuse or exploitation of children is where most adults draw the line and so have we. We must protect everyday children from the sinister push for sexuality onto who can be exploited by adults.

Child abuse been ramped in entertainment and long an "Open Secret" since the 1920's Hollywood depicted in the film "Babylon"?

Divide and conquer among men & women, leaves children vulnerable.

For this reason, Qatar during the FIFA World Cup had no desire to promote gender politics that is not their culture and they are entitled to their sovereignty. They see evil and chaos, unorganised crime and no protecting in western countries they have no desire to emulate.

Corporations in news, fashion, entertainment or politics (by way of Universities) attack women 1st through desire for their need o fsocial inclusion and test them to choose themselves over a family, to abort for more self-serving experiences. If they weaken women, men will follow. Weaker men = docile population so we do not fight Globalist agenda's happening. Children will be isolated in suspended reality of family court or aborted. Leaving all parties dependant on the government. Fathers socially w/ all the responsibility yet no authority, which = slavery. Citizen Journalism is here to protect families & Human+Kind.

This is a TRUE CRIME expose' on Balenciaga & you will never look at the world, Pop Culture or Tell-A-Vision the same! You will be out of the Matrix!

00:00 - Intro - They're coming for YOUR kids!

06:06 - Todays Topic

10:03 - Kevin Hart forced to conform

13:19 - Celebrity selective outrage

15:17 - Selma Hayek, Andrew Tate, Nicole Kidman

35:05 - Bros, Disney & LGBBQ pushed on Kids

38:38 - Patterns, How they hide their abuse

44:44 - Gucci & heads?

53:34 - Actor activist "silent"

55:50 - Cuties, TikTok & Pedos

59:52 - Celebrities R NOT your role models

1:11:36 - Cult Status & Cults in Hollywood

1:17:11 - Sexstortion

1:21:29 - Abortion, Epstein & Peter Nygard

1:42:25 - Karl Lagerfled, Terry Richardson & Child Abuse

1:55:23 - Michael Jackson, The Abused Abuser

2:34:21 - LGBQQ Agenda for kids

2:40:38 - Lady Gaga, Marina Abramovic

2:49:15 - Saul Alinsky's Agents of Chaos

3:01:45 - Lucifer & inventing Mafia Activism

3:34:23 - Greta & using kids

3:41:24 - WEF's answers to Bilderberg

3:48:25 - Snowden, Tate & Assange (Blackmail)

3:50:48 - PizzaGate & Film Industry

3:59:28 - CIA & Disney wants a "P" in LGBQQ?

4:21:02 - Celebs & Alister Crowley's

4:41:23 - Satanism in films since 1920

4:48:31 - Outro

4:56:43 - *BONUS* 6 Degree's of Amber Heard

5:12:49 - Chateau Marmont & Murder Mysteries

5:33:16 - TRUTH REVEALED! (Free)

6:00:30 - BLM

6:06:27 - Kanye, JFK & Tate OUT OF THE MATRIX 2023

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