60,000 Piece What a Wonderful World Jigsaw Puzzle Final Build and Layout!

1 year ago

Hi all! Here is the time lapse for the final build and lay out for this amazing 60,000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle What a Wonderful World by Dowdle! The Worlds new largest jigsaw puzzle!

I will have one more video up tomorrow of my review and experience with this puzzle and the puzzle challenge! I decided to do two separate videos because editing was taking a bit of time and I didn't want you waiting too long for an update on the build! If you want to see the close up pictures of this puzzle, please follow me on Instagram and/or Facebook! The links are below in this description! I also uploaded a lot YouTube shorts and TikTok videos of the puzzle sections each day, so check those out as well! Thank you all so much for following along! And a special thanks to my hubby, two sons and a my son's girlfriend for helping lay it out and take it apart! If you want to see all the time lapses for each section, they are all here in this series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt3pjwAwiRU7pw_x5l2cl7tkX1Pc7ydNw
Thank you all again for taking this puzzle journey with me!

I have quite a few fun things in store for this year, including another large puzzle with only about 8 colors and it is 32,000 pieces!! That will be coming up in a few months! First, I have a lot of normal sized puzzles I want to do as well as some pretty challenging challenges! Stay Tuned!

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Check out my Society6 Puzzle store for puzzle related items I designed, including puzzles and mugs and a few other items!! https://society6.com/addicted2puzzles/collection/jigsaw-puzzles?curator=addicted2puzzles

*For more fun puzzles, check out my Amazon store! https://www.amazon.com/shop/addicted2puzzles?isVisitor=true

***Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more amazing puzzle time lapse videos and 3D puzzle tutorials!***

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*(affiliate links on Amazon)

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