Women have TURNED on Men & Male Suicide with ERIN PIZZY

2 years ago

Another great video from the world famous Erin Pizzy who is one of the Greatest Male advocates and anti Feminist women in the World today.. and one of the ONLY ones at that. Thank God for her!

This is just MORE EVIDENCE as to WHY WOMEN were NEVER given power or a voice.. because they're MENTALLY and Emotionally UNSTABLE and Can't be Trusted with ANY LEVEL of authority or power AT ALL as a whole. They're emotions are ENTIRELY selfish and far more than men, who mostly have SOME level of honor, live on Facts, logic and reality, women ONLY CARE about their own feelings, emotions, PERCEIVED reality and have NO Compunction against Lying, Cheating, False allegations and indirectly Murdering someone, especially Men, in order to get their Pathetic feelings and emotions Validated, to get Attention, sympathy, Empathy, Revenge, Avoid responsibility and Accountability, Play the Victim, Victim, Victim, Get Money (of course) and ULTIMATELY a woman's EMOTIONAL world is More REAL to her than Objective actual reality and Facts! Thus is many ways they're Naturally DELUSIONAL and all suffer from some form of Schizo Effective Disorder to a greater or lesser degree. But for too many it's a greater degree leading to exactly what she's talking about here!

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