Hate Crimes Against Catholics - Islam on the Rise - Radical Proposal Eucharistic Revival

2 years ago

Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Tuesday, January 10, 2023 –

INTRO – Catholic Churches under attack... Joshua Mercer from Catholic Vote is back.
And – Islam and Protestantism Grow on Ivory Coast While Catholic Church Fades – George Neumayr joins us from the Ivory Coast.
Also – A Radical Proposal for the USCCB’s Eucharistic Revival

Quick News -
- The San Francisco Standard reported a slew of FAKE LGBTQ Doctors Pushed Masking, Covid Lockdowns on Twitter... all BOT accounts.
-Speaking of Twitter, recently released emails suggest Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb secretly pressed Twitter to hide posts challenging his company's massively profitable Covid vaccines.
- According to a report released by Chicago Public Schools’ Office of the Inspector General, the 2021-2022 school year saw 772 investigations into teachers for allegedly raping, sexually assaulting, or grooming students.
- Man claiming to be Iranian faces terrorism charge after allegedly lighting his car on fire inside solar plant near Las Vegas
- The House of Representatives voted to cut over $70 billion in funding to the Internal Revenue Service on Monday night.

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What’s Concerning Us? – Joshua Mercer – Catholic Vote – Churches being attacked

Guest Seg. - A Radical Proposal for the USCCB’s Eucharistic Revival

2nd Hour Guest Seg. - A Radical Proposal for the USCCB’s Eucharistic Revival

Joe Social Media
IG: @TheCatholicHack
Twitter: @Catholic_Hack
Facebook: Joe McClane
YouTube: Joe McClane

Rudy Social Media
IG: @ydursolrac
Youtube: Glad Trad Podcast

Adrian Social Media
IG: @ffonze
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Facebook: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Catholic Conversations

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