How to pronounce facial features in French | Face parts to French | Parties du visage en français

2 years ago

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The lexicon of parts of the body and of the face is very important in French. Indeed, it is widely used by Francophones. At the beginner level (A1 level), this is one of the first things to learn and master. The video below will teach you the vocabulary of body and face parts in French
Thanks to this video, you will learn the main parts of the body and the face in French. To learn the vocabulary of body and face parts well in French, repeat aloud after the teacher. When the teacher says “la tête”, say “la tête”, when the teacher says “les bras”, say “les bras”, etc., up to “les cheveux”. This way, you will be able to understand them well orally and to pronounce them well in French. To do this well, watch the video several times, repeating each part of the body and face aloud after the teacher.

To fully understand the written vocabulary of parts of the body and face and to write it well in French, copy the list below several times. Use the drawings in the video to help you understand the meaning of each part of the body and face. Here is the list of body and face parts featured in the video (in chronological order):

Les parties du corps :

- la tête
- un bras, le bras, les bras
- une main, la main, les mains
- la poitrine
- le ventre
- une jambe, la jambe, les jambes
- un pied, le pied, les pieds

Les parties du visage :

- un oeil, l’oeil, les yeux
- le nez
- la bouche
- une dent, la dent, les dents
- une oreille, l’oreille, les oreilles
- les cheveux.

For convenience, below is the list of the parts of the body and the face featured in the video (in chronological order) with the English translation:

Les parties du corps = Body parts:

- la tête = the head
- un bras, le bras, les bras = an arm, the arm, the arms
- une main, la main, les mains = a hand, the hand, the hands
- la poitrine = the chest
- le ventre = the belly
- une jambe, la jambe, les jambes = a leg, the leg, the legs
- un pied, le pied, les pieds = a foot, the foot, the feet

Les parties du visage = Parts of the face:

- un oeil, l’oeil, les yeux = an eye, the eye, the eyes
- le nez = the nose
- la bouche = the mouth
- une dent, la dent, les dents = a tooth, the tooth, the teeth
- une oreille, l’oreille, les oreilles = an ear, the ear, the ears
- les cheveux = the hair.

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