Turning Advent Materials into Holiday Homeschool Curriculum

1 year ago

Our special guest this week on Empowering Homeschool Conversations was Kerry Beck, homeschool mom and blogger at How to Homeschool My Child. Kerry shared with us about "Turning Advent Materials into Holiday Homeschool Curriculum"

#adventlearning #holidayhomeschool #homeschoolcurriculum

This episode of Empowering Homeschool Conversations was funded by viewers like you. To learn how you can support the nonprofit work of SPED Homeschool and this broadcast, visit https://spedhomeschool.com/donate/

To connect with Kerry, visit https://howtohomeschoolmychild.com/

Blog https://howtohomeschoolmychild.com/blog/ (25 days of thanks series)
FB group - in the middle of Holiday Homeschool series each Monday
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpuF_qVYrSVUUZrL8mWhYfA
IG: https://www.instagram.com/howtohomeschoolmychild/

Email: HowToHomeschoolMyChild@gmail.com

And here are some of the resources Kerry talked about in this episode:
Advent Calendar Countdown (FREE) https://howtohomeschoolmychild.com/2022-advent-calendar-countdown/

Advent Family Traditions: https://howtohomeschoolmychild.com/advent-family-traditions/

Christmas Celebrations Bundle

Star of Bethlehem Study

Free Masterclass: 3 Clues to Keep Christ in Christmas https://howtohomeschoolmychild.com/keep-christ-in-christmas/

FREE 30-Day Gratitude Journal

Plus Kerry shares, “Although you can find my shop on my website, here is a direct listing to my holiday resources. Use this code & save 30% PEGGY22 thru Dec 5”

To find out more about SPED Homeschool, visit our website at https://spedhomeschool.com/

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