body parts in French | learn French

2 years ago

What are the body parts called in French?
Test Your Vocabulary
le corps body
le cou neck
la poitrine chest
un estomac stomach
le bras arm

Which body parts are feminine in French?
Le indicates masculine words and la indicates feminine words. For example, le corps is masculine, while la main is feminine. When describing what body part hurts, instead of using le or la, we use au for masculine words and à la for feminine words. So we say J'ai mal au dos, but j'ai mal à la tête

How to memorize body parts in French?
Parts Of The Body In French
the body — le corps.
the part of the body — la partie du corps.
the head — la tête.
the face — le visage.
the eyes — les yeux.
the mouth — la bouche.
the tooth — la dent.
the nose — le nez.
What are the 12 main body parts?
Scientific view
The brain. The brain is the control centre of the nervous system and is located within the skull. ...
The lungs. The lungs are two sponge-like, cone-shaped structures that fill most of the chest cavity. ...
The liver. ...
The bladder. ...
The kidneys. ...
The heart. ...
The stomach. ...
The intestines.

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