SHOCK! Interview with Zelensky Goon, Mikhail Maiman, turned Ukrainian whistleblower!

2 years ago

Guys, this is a shocking interview with a high-ranking member of the Ukrainian military. His name is Michael Maiman. He's not exactly what you would call an angel. On BEHALF of the Ukrainian government, he's a narcotics dealer, an arms broker, a traitor and a general piece of human garbage like the majority of the people in the Ukrainian government.
He details how the Ukrainian government is making hundreds of thousands of dollars in narcotics for the troops EVERY DAY, and how he personally brokered American weapons, like Javelins, to other countries that support terrorism against the United States of America. This is one of the most shocking interviews I have ever done. In full disclosure, I did NOT follow the most ethical journalistic methods. I did not tell him who I was or where I live, I only told him I was an American journalist (which is true). I'm an investigator, not a journalist. And if the cops can lie or distort facts to get the truth from a criminal, then so can I.

I recorded this video last month but didn't release it immediately because I had to verify and was trying to come up with the money to buy the videos of corrupt officials he has. And has them he does. Verified. I simply couldn't find nearly enough, so I've decided to just run with the interview as it is.

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