Ancient Greek Healing Mysteries for Modern Times

2 years ago

Western medicine and psychotherapy originated in ancient Greece over 3,300 years ago using holistic methodologies combined with dream questing under the guidance of Asklepios, the god of healing. It resulted in thousands of "miracle cures" to intractable conditions of body, mind, heart, and spirit. The Greeks also used theatre as communal healing ritual, oracles for life guidance, and early philosophy’s dialectical method. These practices are the foundations of archetypal psychology and the modern depth therapies and are available to us today.

The ancients taught the key to healing is restoration of the soul and re-aligning with the cosmic order, the Logos. Their practices are especially effective in enabling catharsis, transforming identity, providing life guidance, revealing destiny, reconnecting to the sacred, and providing direct healing or prescriptions through the facilitation of "big dreams."

We will explore soul medicine and healing through dream pilgrimages and incubations, sacred theatre, and philosophy. We will study ancient sanctuary practices that are the blueprints of healing today and seek big dreams and oracles for holistic healing and life guidance. Featuring Edward Tick.

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