26. Lead Example - Silver for Dogs

2 years ago

Hi, I’m Robert Catrini…

I’m an actor and producer who's been in over 30 movies and TV Shows…

And you might recognize me from the Jack Reacher movies, where I’ve shared the screen with Tom Cruise…

Or G.I. Joe: Retaliation…

Which starred actors like The Rock and Channing Tatum.

[Images From Movies If Possible]

Yet while I’m proud of my 20+ career in Hollywood…

What I want to talk with you about today has nothing to do with show business.

Instead, it’s an URGENT message about the health of your dog…

And specifically…

It’s a way to dramatically improve your dog’s health in as little as 6 minutes…

While potentially saving a thousand dollars per year, or more, on your veterinarian bills.

You see…

As a dog lover myself…

[Picture of Robert With Dog if Available]

And as someone who is close friends to many of the country’s most respected veterinarians…

I’ve seen first-hand how rising costs in veterinarian care are hurting every day American families.

In fact…

Today it seems like pet care costs keep getting higher and higher…

Even as many people’s household incomes stay the same or even shrinks…

Which has led to what I call “The Pet Owners Paradox”…

Which is that…

While you’d give almost any amount of money to keep your pet healthy…

The amount of spare money you have isn’t growing, and may even be shrinking.

The result is that you’re stuck with a feeling of anxiety and worry…

Because even though you LOVE your dog…

And even though they are an extended part of your family…

You simply don’t know what would happen if they were to face a life-threatening illness…

And you’re scared about having to make that gut-wrenching and horrible decision…

Between your family’s economic safety, and the life of your pet.

Well from talking to numerous veterinarians and pet health experts…

What I’ve realized over time…

Is that the vast majority of the serious health problems that dogs, cats, horses, and other pets face…

Are all caused by one of three things.

Which is why inside this presentation…

I’m going to pull back the curtain and share a simple, proven, and effective breakthrough…

Something that can address the “three root causes” of pet sickness…

Something that could help with literally hundreds of different health challenges…

And that could even save your dog’s life.

This simple and natural solution starts working INSTANTLY by the way…

And because it gets to the root cause of many health problems your dog is facing…

The benefits are almost too numerous to count.

This simple and natural breakthrough I’m about to share with you can…

Rapidly relieve diarrhea, make bowel movements less messy, and reduce gas…
Quickly revitalize dry, red, and patchy skin…
Almost immediately kill the bad bacteria that’s in your dog’s mouth right now…and that’s been causing bad breath, bad teeth, and diseased gums…
Heal most ear infections in just a few short days…
Protect against Lyme disease and most fungal infections, including Valley Fever…
Dramatically reduce frequent vomiting, dry-heaving, and gagging…
Prevent urinary tract infections…
And so much more.
Now I know that’s a long list…

But as I’m about to show you…

More often than not…

Each of the health challenges I just listed stems from one of 3 things…

Which is why…

When you use the simple fix you’ll discover inside this presentation…

It can rapidly and dramatically improve your pet’s health…

And do it without any medications or expensive procedures.

Surprisingly, the fix I’m about to share with you doesn’t have anything to do with your pet’s food…

Although of course, it is important that you give your dog the best diet possible…

Especially when most of the so-called “healthy pet foods” out there are actually anything but healthy…

And could be wrecking your dog’s wellbeing from the inside out (I’ll explain more about that in just a minute).

Finally, you should also know that this simple and natural way to keep your dog healthy is wildly inexpensive and 100% natural…

And actually only requires two simple ingredients...

Yet it could very well save you over $1,000 a year in vet costs.

Now it probably won’t surprise you to hear that many folks in the commercial pet food industry HATE what I’m about to share with you…

And that there are a lot of big-money lobbying groups who want to keep this information a secret…

Because they’d like nothing more than to keep charging you thousands of dollars for the care of your pet.

That’s why I want to strongly urge you to keep watching this important video all the way to the end…

Because you’re only minutes away from discovering a powerful and natural solution to many of your dog’s most pressing health challenges…

Something that will not only help support your dog’s health now…

But that could even add years to his or her life.


So like I mentioned, my name is Robert Catrini…

And as a dog lover and animal advocate…

I’ve grown increasingly alarmed by the rising costs of pet healthcare.

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