Five Kissing Tips That Will Get Her Wet

2 years ago

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So you want to know how to be a good kisser? Kissing is something that many of us do regularly. But everyone can probably benefit from a few good kissing tips to improve our technique.
Kissing isn’t always something that comes naturally – it’s an art that needs to be learned, practiced and improved upon.
If you’d like to improve your kissing skills, here are a number of good kissing tips to try, even if it’s the first time you are kissing someone.
Kissing Preparation
Some kisses will be spontaneous and catch you off guard, and some are simply “greeting” kisses and are not meant to be passionate.
But when you’re planning for a make-out session that could lead to something more, the first of many kissing tips you need to follow is making sure you are adequately prepared.
So how do you prep yourself for some good kissing action? For starters, you’ll want to smell good — all over your body.

The sense of smell is a sensual part of the whole art of kissing and you want to make sure your overall scent takes his breath away and makes him want to kiss you more.
A light lotion on your skin is a good idea, which will produce a pleasant scent and also make your skin soft and smooth.
Make sure you also put on some deodorant and a hint (not too much) of a complementary body spray or perfume.
Lingering scents that aren’t too strong are made by taking a bath with soft, natural oil. Lavender and rose oil extract are popular and romantic.
Don’t forget about your breath.
Your breath is an important factor when kissing — good or bad — and far too often women forgo this seemingly obvious yet important kissing technique. Bad breath isn’t just an issue for men.
Brushing your teeth every morning and night is great, but make sure you give them an extra scrub (with minty toothpaste) before your kissing session.
Remember to brush your tongue, too, because it can harbor unpleasant germs and bacteria.
If you struggle with bad breath, you may want to use a bacteria-fighting mouthwash, suck on some mints, or chew some fresh gum — but remember to spit it out before you start kissing! If the problem persists, consult your doctor or dentist.

Another important consideration when boosting your kissing skills is the condition of your lips and makeup.
Your lips should be soft, supple and, well, kissable — not slimy or rough. You may want to “exfoliate” some of the dead skin cells off your lips.
After applying some lip balm or even just water, gently rub your lips with an old toothbrush.
Also, think about your makeup. A touch of tasteful, natural-looking makeup is fine, but don’t overdo it. Many men don’t like a lot of make-up while kissing, especially because lipstick can smear all over their face and clothes. A little bit of lip balm should do the trick.
A kiss is intimate and conveys passion and desire.
It is a form of body communication that expresses more than words ever could. Your kiss is also very personal, it will change depending on whom you are kissing and why.

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