23. Lead Example - Law of Attraction

2 years ago

What if I told you that there was a secret code, hidden deep inside Einstein’s Theory of Relativity…

And that once you discover it, you can have literally anything in the Universe you want?

I really do mean anything…

Total financial security so that you never again get “mailbox anxiety” because you’re afraid of the bills you might find inside...or pass restless nights wondering “where the money will come from” after being ambushed by a surprise expense you simply can’t afford to pay.

Stronger and more deeply rewarding relationships with your friends, family, and romantic partner…

And perfect health for decades to come – both for yourself, and all of those you love.

It might sound unbelievable, but there are more than 14,000 people across America experiencing these exact things at this very moment.

And even more profoundly: they are doing it using a hidden and bizarre power…something that famous physicist and mathematician Albert Einstein identified more over a century ago – and that he claimed was the key to all of his success in life.

Hi, my name is Luke Bernard.

In the next five minutes, I’m going to give you the incredibly powerful, but long-suppressed secret to obtaining anything you want in this world.

Whether It’s Material

Something like a beautiful vacation home on the beach…

A meticulously well-appointed luxury sedan that’s so new, you feel intoxicated by the smell of fine leather every time you open the driver’s side door…

Or just the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have more money coming in than you can possibly spend, and that all of your financial needs will be forever taken care of.

Whether It’s Emotional…

Like the feeling of total wellbeing and inner-peace when you wake up every morning…

Of never again struggling with feelings of depression or anxiety…

Of never again worrying about the events in life that used to be “out of your control”.

Whether It’s Spiritual…

Something as profound as enjoying a deeper connection with both God, and the unseen but clearly present power that fills our universe.

Or even all of the above.

In a lot of ways, the staggeringly powerful mind-harnessing technique I’m about to teach you is the “missing ingredient” to what’s commonly known as the Law of Attraction…

It’s the part that the creators of “The Secret” purposely left out…and that virtually every other “positive thinking” guru still doesn’t want you to know about.

They want you to fail, because the more you struggle to truly manifest the things in your life that you desire…

The more you’ll keep buying their books, their CDs, and tickets to their trainings and seminars.

Now I know that’s a strong charge, but I’ll give you the damning proof for that claim right inside this video.

In fact, that’s really what this short, but highly controversial presentation you’re now watching is all about…


Proof that your mind is exponentially more powerful than you’ve ever imagined…

Proof that it can bring you more wealth, greater health, stronger relationships, and more spiritual fulfillment than you ever thought possible…

And proof that all it takes to harness this power inside your mind…

Is your commitment to spend about seven minutes per day performing a certain set of simple, mental actions – things that anyone of any age can do…

And which I’ll describe to you in explicit detail in just a second.

Before I do that, however, there is one EXTREMELY IMPORTANT thing you need to understand…

The secret mind techniques I’m about to give you will create a vortex…

Something that sucks up everything in existence you want, and then gently drops it at your front door.

But Please Understand:

This is NOT based on “positive thinking.”

It’s also NOT based on the “power of intention”…

Or even an “abundance mentality.”

It’s CERTAINLY NOT based on the principles you learned in The Secret…

Or even on the Law of Attraction (at least not in the form that you’re familiar with)

Instead, what you’re about to be shown is based on a fundamentally basic principle in modern physics…

Something that Albert Einstein both identified, and used himself in order to achieve unimaginable wealth and fame, while contributing to the betterment of humanity…

And that he so beautifully summed up when he wrote in his private journal that:

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”

Okay, so are you ready to discover exactly what this secret, life-changing mind method is?

Then let’s get started…

Like I just mentioned, my name is Luke Bernard.

I’m 41 years old and live just outside of Raleigh, North Carolina.

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