You Should Be Calling Your Friends Dickheads DAILY.

2 years ago

What are you like with your friends? Have you got that one guy who can't take a joke?

Do you and your friends push other forward? Does this same thing happen in America or is it just an English thing? My friendship group basically bully each other yet we are brothers, and it's great, but to be clear at the same time, when something serious is happening you're there to help them as well, you know when you shouldn't say something because it's too far and you know when it's just a joke, I can't handle the guys that can't take a joke so I don't hang around with them.

The fascinating and complex dynamic of male competitive friendships.

Friendships between men have always been shaped by an underlying competitiveness. From childhood playgrounds, to adult boardrooms, men have been driven to outpace each other in all aspects of life. But where does this competition stem from?
The competitive nature of men's relationships. The importance of learning to balance the competitive nature of male friendships with other aspects like empathy, understanding and self-improvement.

Competitive friendships between men can be a beneficial part of life — allowing men to push each other to the highest levels of excellence — but it should always be balanced with understanding, empathy, and self-improvement.

the importance of male friendships
what to look for in male friendships
how to make solid friendships as a guy
why male competition is good
male competition is positive
competing with your friends is good
you should compete with your friends
how to make friends
how to better more valuable friendships
things to look for in a friend
best things to look for in male friendships

#male #friendship #competition

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