16. Copy Example - Biz Opp

2 years ago

Across the country, people of all ages, abilities, and education levels are quitting their jobs and doubling, or tripling their annual incomes in the process.

They’re doing it by exploiting an ‘unfair’ but completely legal business trick…

Something first developed by a brilliant professor at Harvard Business School…

And that until now was only shared with his golden-cufflink-wearing students…

So that they could “copy” what the richest businessmen in the world do…

And make as much money, from as little work, as humanly possible.

Once you know what this trick is…

You can begin using it immediately to make $2,000…$5,000…$10,000 or more in extra income each month for the rest of your life.

And best of all, this cash-generating business secret doesn’t require you to:

Invest a single penny.
Hire a single employee.
Learn any complex new skills or concepts.
Or even leave the comfort of your own home.
In fact, if you have just 5 hours per week, an Internet connection, and know how to send an email…

You’ll be amazed by just how easy it is to make a minimum of $36,000 extra per year using the method I’m about to show you.

Just like Alvin Harris of Palm Desert, California, who writes:

“When I first came across your website, I was very weary. There are a lot of ‘get rich quick’ scams on the Internet, and I’ve become conditioned to always keep my guard up.

After watching your video and using the concepts you taught me inside however, I’m happy to say that this is 100% legit.

What you’re showing people inside is how to set up a real, profitable, and viable business. It’s something that I truly believe anyone can use – and the profits I’m personally seeing are astounding.”

And Justin Carr of Pueblo, Colorado, who says:

“You know how I can tell this business trick really did come from Harvard Business School? The fact that it’s so easy to use!

Those fat-cat investment bankers and golden parachute carrying CEOs are obsessed with making as much money as they can from as little work as possible.

So it makes total sense that they would have come up with something like this.

For me personally, I spend about five hours per week using this simple system. And typically, I see a return of around $7,500/month for my efforts.

I’m not sure how you could beat this.”

Justin and Alvin are just two of the more than 14,954 Americans who have taken advantage of the business secret I’ll be sharing inside of this brief, but the life-changing presentation.

And in the next three minutes, I’m going to show you exactly how this insanely simple money-generating system works…

Plus, the explicit steps you can start taking today, to be bringing in $3,000 or more in monthly income as soon as tomorrow.

Hi, my name is Garth Conway.

I’m 55 years old and I live outside of Jacksonville, Florida.

Up until 2013, I worked as a groundskeeper for one of Northwest Florida’s better-known golf courses…

And like a lot of people out there who are in their 50s, I’d reached the point in my life where I desperately wanted to retire.

Except there was simply no chance of that happening anytime soon.

I’m not going to say that I was broke…

The truth was, I was doing okay.

My job paid the bills…

I got two weeks of paid vacation each year…

And I could afford to buy groceries and put gas in my car usually.

Now I’m not sure if you’re in the same boat I was in back then…

Or if you’re struggling more than that right now…and find yourself worrying about where the money will come from to make your next car payment…

But it doesn’t really matter.

Because regardless of your current situation, I’m pretty sure you can relate when I say that my 9-5 felt like a screeching daily grind…

And my gears were slowly getting stuck.

Haven’t you ever wanted more out of your life?

I know I did.

There are 52 weeks in the year…and I was spending 50 of those weeks at a job I was sick of…working tirelessly for a boss I didn’t particularly like…and having ZERO control over how I spent my time.

I’d come home exhausted each day, and struggle to give my wife and children the attention they deserved…

And because my income was so limited…

My family was never able to travel anywhere “too exotic”…

Never able to go eat anywhere “too nice”…

And never able to shop at the full-priced department stores at the mall.

Instead, we lived our life on a strict budget.

My wife and I were constantly making sacrifices – like skipping our family vacation so that my youngest daughter Lilly could go on her school trip to Disneyworld…

Or not going out to the new restaurant my wife wanted to try, so my son Michael could have a new uniform for his baseball team.

And the bottom line was this: I was TIRED of it.

Tired of having to wake up at the crack of dawn each morning to drive to a job I didn’t like…

Tired of my jerk boss criticizing me simply so he could feel better about himself, and the fact that he secretly hated his job too…

Tired of getting paid JUST ENOUGH to get by…

And tired of the fights my wife and I would have about where the money was going…and how much we could spend.

Until finally, one day in mid-April of 2013, it all came to an explosive head.

I’d just gotten home from work, and came inside my house to find several bags of clothing sitting on the kitchen counter.

They were from Marshalls, which as you probably know is a “closeout store”…

One where they buy the items that no one bought at full-price department stores…and sell them for a big discount.

But “big discount” or not, my wife had still spent $321 on the bags of clothes that were sitting there in front of me…

And when she walked into the kitchen, smiling and ready to greet me…

I completely lost it.



Well, my wife immediately began sobbing…and ran into the bedroom, where she slammed the door and turned the lock.

I felt like a monster, and it’s embarrassing for me to even share this part of the story with you…

But as you’ll see in a second, it actually links directly to the discovery of that profit-generating secret I want to share with you in this video.

So anyways, once the initial anger subsided, I realized that I had completely crossed the line…

And thank goodness my wife is a forgiving woman…because after a bit of pleading, she did unlock the bedroom door and let me come apologize to her.

She said she really was sorry…but that the stuff she bought at Marshalls had been an extra 50% off…

That in other words…even though the name-brand dress, skirts, and purse she’d purchased had already been discounted initially…

This “closeout store” had discounted them another 50% after that.

Or in other words, to show you what I mean…

The Marc Jacobs handbag she bought regularly retails at Nordstrom for $300.

Nobody bought it, so Nordstrom sold it to Marshalls.

Marshalls then priced the bag at $130.

But because no one had bought it still…

Marshalls then cut the price in half AGAIN…until my wife bought it for $65.

Putting myself in my wife’s shoes, I could understand how that kind of bargain was hard to pass up…

And I couldn’t help but remember a fundamental truth that my father, who sold appliances, had told me decades ago…

“People love a deal.”

And combined with that realization that dad was right…and the guilt I felt as my wife looked me dead in the eyes and said:

“I really am sorry Garth. I just wanted something nice for once. Something that would make me feel good. Feel confident. Something I could show off to my girlfriends, and have them be envious. I just wanted a taste of something nicer one time”…

Something inside of me snapped.

But I don’t mean in a bad way…

I mean in a determined way.

Because right then and there, I decided that I was going to do something to CHANGE my family’s financial position forever…

That I was going to start giving my wife the things in life she deserved…

That I was going to make her PROUD to have stood by me for all of those years…

Even as we struggled…

Even as we had to constantly live on a shoestring budget…

And even as she’d constantly heard me tell her ‘no’ when it came to almost any purchase she wanted to make…from remodeling the kitchen to simply replacing the heater.

So that night, I got on the computer and started searching for business ideas.

I knew that I needed something that didn’t require much (or any) money to get started with…

That it needed to be something I could do in my spare time, because I certainly couldn’t risk leaving my 9-5 yet…

And it needed to be something that didn’t require a ton of technical know-how or knowledge…since I didn’t have a college degree…and had never really learned much about running a business.

My immediate hunch was that using the Internet would be my best bet…

Mostly because it seemed like every day in the news…

There was some new pimply-nosed kid, barely out of diapers, who’d made millions of dollars with some website or app he’d created.

“And if these kids can do it, why the hell can’t I?” I thought…

So I began writing down website ideas…until I had several full pages.

Some of those ideas were pretty darn good…

But I quickly ran into a few major problems:

First of all, I had ZERO ideas on how to make a website…

And when I looked around to see about hiring someone…I found that most people wanted to charge me $5,000 to build a website or an app for me – which was money I simply didn’t have.

Plus, even if I could have afforded it…

I found out pretty fast that there was way more to running a profitable website or app than I’d expected…

Including all kinds of technical stuff like setting up web servers, building advertising networks, even implementing payment processing portals.

I didn’t know how to do any of that…

And frankly, I just didn’t have the time to learn.

So I kept searching, kept looking for a business opportunity that made sense for me.

Something that I could really do on my own terms, and that didn’t require a ton of money or time.

One interesting option I kept running into was these “home-based business” ads you see all over the web.

You know, the ones where they say you can: “Make $10,000 Per Month Part-Time Working From Home!”

Well as a quick aside – I now know that you really can make that much money working from home part-time…and I’m going to show you how to do it in about 90 seconds from now…

But it’s definitely NOT by responding to one of those Ads!

Trust me, I actually tried.

And within days, my inbox was getting BLOWN UP with some of the spammiest emails you could possibly imagine…

All from self-proclaimed millionaires who said they’d teach me to ‘get rich quick’…if I sent them $500.

Plus after I did even more research, I found out that generally for that $500…

The businesses these people were talking about required you to spend 60…70…even 80 hours a week either selling crappy products to people who didn’t want them…

Or doing mind-numbing data entry, where your pay works out to $6 an hour.

Oh and by the way: those are just the opportunities where there’s even any ‘job’ at all.

Because the majority are just scams…

Where the advertiser says he’ll help you find a work-at-home opportunity, then disappears once you’ve paid him.

So anyways, all of this is to say that despite the promise I’d made to myself…

After a few months of research, I was starting to have my doubts.

I thought maybe I just didn’t have it in me…

Maybe I should just accept that we’d always be living on a barebones budget…for the rest of our lives…

And maybe I should just cross my fingers…and hope social security still existed by the time I reached 70.

But then, one insanely humid afternoon in August…

I stumbled upon the secret that changed everything…and that’s about to change everything for you too.

Let me explain right now:

I was in front of my computer once again…

This time Googling “businesses that don’t require any money to start.”

It seemed like every single search result I got was another advertisement for some “work at home” scheme…

And I was becoming increasingly frustrated that it was so hard to find any honest information out there.

On the 5th or 6th page however, I saw an article that caught my eye.

It was from the prestigious Harvard Business School…

And when I clicked the link to the article and started to read…

It felt like someone had given me the code to a massive, cash-filled bank vault.

Inside the article, they were talking about something called arbitrage.

Now I’d heard of this term before, but until then, I never could have told you what it actually meant.

As I continued to scroll through the article, however…

It suddenly became obvious that this was one of the most powerful, fascinating, and under-utilized business concepts in existence.

So let me go ahead and give you the definition of arbitrage:

“The simultaneous purchase and sale of an asset in order to profit from a difference in price. It is a trade that profits by exploiting price differences of identical or similar financial instruments, on different markets or in different forms.”

Sound complex?

I agree.

And the article I was reading, which was clearly only meant to be read by other Harvard Business School students…was pretty technical as well.

In general, they were talking about buying and selling different stocks, commodities, and “financial instruments”…all things I knew nothing about…and that sounded like they would cost me a lot of money – which I didn’t have.

But as I was reading, I was struck with a really interesting idea:

What if I could take the idea of arbitrage…and apply it to the world of retail products.

Let me explain:

Remember what I said about how closeout stores like Marshalls work?

They buy all of the items that didn’t sell at a full-priced department store…

And then sell them at their store for a discount.

It’s a win-win for everyone involved:

The department store still gets some money for the item that didn’t sell…

Marshalls sells the discounted item for a profit…

And the consumer gets a big discount over what they normally would have paid at the full-priced department store.

It’s a cool concept, and it works for everyone involved.

But as I really started doing some research, I realized that big retailers like Marshalls were just a drop in the bucket.

Across the country, and also on the Internet, there are MILLIONS of closeout retailers in existence…

Businesses that buy items that either didn’t sell at their original price…or that the manufacturer made too many of…

And then sell them to the public at a huge discount.

Everyone from dollar stores, to online retailers use this business model…

And it leads to billions of dollars in annual profits for everyone involved.

But here’s the coolest part – the part that’s going to make you a lot of money…

These closeout retailers are CONSTANTLY looking for more discount products to sell…

While the retailers and manufacturers are CONSTANTLY looking for closeout retailers who will buy their discounted products.

And what I realized was that if I simply could position myself as a middleman…

Someone who linked buyers to sellers…

I would be providing a hugely valuable service to both sides…

One that, I was willing to bet, they would HAPPILY pay me a commission for performing.

So I got to work.

I made a list of more than 150 companies that specialized in buying overstocked or liquidated items.

A few of them were big chains like Marshalls…

But for the most part, I focused on independent retailers…companies that didn’t have a bunch of red bureaucratic tape…

And where the owner of the business could give me a quick decision.

Then, I made another list of department stores, retailer chains, and manufacturers who might have overstocked or liquidation items…

And I started emailing them, offering to help them find a buyer.

At first, there wasn’t much action.

Mostly because the retailers I was sending my emails to simply didn’t respond to me.

I thought maybe I was wasting my time…and that the reason why they weren’t responding was because I was just some “no-name” that they didn’t know at all…

But then, I had another idea.

Instead of emailing the full-priced retailers and manufacturers…

What if I just posted some ads online, saying that I could sell all of their overstocked or liquidated items?

It was worth a shot…

So I made a list of 25 great websites where I knew that business owners were likely to go…and that allowed me to put up my ads for free.

And suddenly, it was as if I’d started an avalanche!

Within hours, I was getting emails from retailers and manufacturers all over the world…

Telling me that they had 3,000 designer handbags they couldn’t sell…or 6,000 high-quality power drills….or 200 HD TVs that couldn’t be moved off the sales floor.

In all of those cases…they said they were DESPERATE to find a buyer…and asked if I could help them out?

It was like shooting fish in a barrel.

I simply took the emails from these full-priced sellers…

Removed their contact information and business name…

And forwarded them to my list of 150 closeout buyers…

Saying that I could connect the two of them, for a small finder's fee.

That was it, yet within my first 30 Days…I’d made more than $12,000!

In a lot of ways, what I was doing was similar to what a real estate agent does when he connects a home-seller to a homebuyer.

Except, in this case, I didn’t have to even go “show” the home…or do any fancy legal paperwork…or even leave MY house.

Plus what’s so brilliant about this model is that because you’re forwarding real emails from the full-priced retailers…emails where they say that they’re looking to sell NOW…

The closeout buyers already know that the deal is pretty much done.

They don’t need to do any work…

They don’t have to wonder if you’re legit or not.

They simply just decide if they want to make the purchase, and ask you to connect them.

And as the months continued to pass by, the cash was just POURING into my bank account.

$12,242 in month one…

$10,765 in month two…

$14,788 in month three…

$10,199 in month four…

$18,992 in month five…

And on and on it went.

In fact, since I first started applying the secret principle of arbitrage to the world of closeout buying and selling…

Not a single month has gone by where I haven’t made at least $10,000.

And I have to tell you that the feeling of PURE happiness I now experience each and every day is incredible.

I LOVE the fact that I’m able to buy my wife and children the things they’ve always so badly wanted…

That I can take my family to Disneyworld four times a year without even looking at my bank balance…

And that I was able to take my wife to Paris, on the vacation of her dreams, and do it without having to pinch a single penny…

I also LOVE that I was able to quit the job I hated within my first two months of using the little “closeout” system that I developed…

That I have all the time in the world to spend with the ones who I hold dearest to me…

That I can wake up and go to bed on my own schedule each night…

And that when I do return to the golf course now…it’s to play 18 holes on a Tuesday afternoon at 1 pm…

Not to labor away in the hot sun.

And I LOVE the security of knowing I now have more than $425,000 sitting in my retirement account…with more coming in each and every month…

Which means my family will be safe and taken care of no matter what happens to me…no matter what unforeseen events arise in the future.

Now, I want you to experience all of this too.

I want you to LOVE your life…every single moment of it.

And to never again worry about whether or not you have enough for retirement…

Never again be anxious about eating out at that nice restaurant your spouse has been DYING to try…

Never again feel depressed on a Sunday evening, because you know that tomorrow morning…you’ll have to wake up and drive to your soul-sucking 9-5.

Which is why, without any further ado, let me introduce you to Instant Closeout Profits.

Inside of Instant Closeout Profits, you’ll be shown how to use the exact same system I use to net massive profits each month as a “middleman” between buyers and sellers.

Total, all you need to get started is Internet access, an email account, and 5 hours per week of your time.

And starting tomorrow you could be making at least $3,000 per month using this.

There’s no catch, no hidden costs, no anything.

Instead, with Instant Closeout Profits, you’re given a complete step-by-step system you can use to explode your income…right from the comfort of your own home.

And inside…

I’ll show you how to write simple, one-paragraph ads that can be placed all over the web…
And that will have retailers and manufacturers instantly contacting you…begging you to help them find a buyer for their overstocked or liquidation products.
Plus, I’ll give you a list of my 25 best websites for posting these ads…all of which allow you to put them up absolutely FREE.
Then, once you have sellers flooding your inbox, asking for your help…
All you have to do is send out an email to the 150 closeout retailers that I give you inside Instant Closeout Profits.
Many of these companies sell a wide variety of products to the public…
But to make things even easier for you, I’ve also segmented this list of “sellers” into different categories…like clothing discounters…hardware discounters…online discounters…electronics discounters…etc.
Over 90% of the 150 closeout retailers are independently owned and operated, which means you’ll be speaking directly to one of their chief decision-makers…someone who has the power to say “yes” after your very first email.
Speaking of “yes”, don’t worry: you’re provided a contact email for each of the 150 closeout retailers included on this list.
And to make things even SIMPLER still…inside Instant Closeout Profits I’ll also tell you exactly what you should say inside of the email you send to potential buyers…
You’ll also see how to avoid 12 Common Pitfalls that most people who are new to closeout brokering always make…
Including the one I already gave you earlier: which is to make sure you delete the contact information of the “seller” BEFORE you forward their email to the buyer.
That one’s HUGE because you don’t want the buyer to go around you and make the deal without paying you a commission.
And if you think that 1 pitfall is good to know, wait until you see the other 11!
Plus, I’ll also show you EXACTLY how to negotiate your deal as a broker.
You’ll see how to make sure you maximize your profits…get the commission you deserve…and do it without spending hours of your precious time…or hiring any expensive lawyers.
And, I’ll hand you the 7 Questions You MUST Ask every retailer or manufacturer that contacts you, before completing the deal.
Now let me be upfront with you:

Sometimes, if I’m working on a really big deal, I do put in 10 or 12 hours in a single week.

The overwhelming majority of the time, however, I’m just spending about 5 hours per week in front of my computer…

And making more than $10,000 in income by simply reading and forwarding emails between buyers and sellers.

I know it sounds almost too easy, but think about it:

Every time you turn on the TV, listen to the radio, flip through the paper, or even just drive around your town…

You see discount stores, liquidation sales, and signs saying “everything must go”.

You know that this is happening constantly, every single day…

That full-price retailers are selling their overstocked or liquidation items to discount retailers…

That discount retailers are selling those overstocked or liquidated items to the public…

So why wouldn’t you get in on a piece of the action?

As you watch this, more than 14,000 ordinary folks from across America have done just that…

They’ve begun leveraging the principles of “arbitrage”…and applying them to the world of closeout buying…

And they’re netting $3,000…$7,000…$12,000 per month while they do it.

Folks like Jim Curtis of Springfield, Missouri who writes:

“I’ve been burned on promises of ‘making money from home’ in the past. But as I watched your video, it became clear that this was something different. The business model made sense. So I decided to go ahead and give Instant Closeout Profits a try.

From the very first moment of using this system, I was incredibly impressed. The amount of information is comprehensive but doesn’t feel at all overwhelming.

I was also extremely pleased to find that everything you had promised I would receive was indeed included – so I was able to actually start posting my free ads within minutes.

Most of all, however, I’ve been pleased with the amount of money I’m making now. I brought in $4,600 in my very first month, and in the five months since, I’ve averaged just over $7,400. Thank you Garth, this is life-changing!”

And Jim Mack, of Temple, Texas, who says…

“I know in your presentation you make a point of saying you weren’t struggling desperately, just tired of living on a budget. Well, that wasn’t the case for me. I was struggling, and struggling badly.

Every month the anxiety built up even more. I didn’t know if I’d be able to make my car payment…or if my power was going to be shut off. I was desperate for a solution, and didn’t know where to turn or what to do.

So when I found your video, the decision to try out the Instant Closeout Profits system was a complete no-brainer. What did I have to lose?

It’s been a life-saver Garth. I’m now making more in a month than I used to make in half-a-year. Granted, I put about 15 hours per week into this. But for me personally, it’s a worthwhile tradeoff for the $27,000 per month I’m now averaging ☺”

Or Lindsey Mueller, of Lexington Kentucky who writes…

“I just can’t believe how easy all of this is. Like, it’s so easy. So easy that you almost have to pinch yourself to make sure it’s real. I never would have dreamed that simply posting some ads, and sending a few emails each week, would result in me making $6,300 per month in pure profit. Instant Closeout Profits is a godsend Garth. Thank you!”

I’m so blessed and proud to say that the stories like the ones you just heard are incredibly common these days.

Across the country, and the world, people are making real, life-changing money using Instant Closeout Profits...

And by now, you’re probably wondering what it will take to get started?

Remember: there is no such thing as “making money without working”…

But that doesn’t mean you can’t work SMARTER, rather than harder…

And that’s what Instant Closeout Profits is all about.

Your typical deal using the step-by-step system you’re about to get your hands on will look like this:

A retailer will respond to one of the free ads you posted online, tell you they have $50,000 worth of name-brand hardware supplies they haven’t been able to sell.
You’ll forward their email to one of the 150 closeout buyers on the list, and say exactly what I tell you to inside this guide.
The closeout buyer says they’ll buy the hardware for $25,000, and give you a 20% commission.
The seller agrees, and the deal gets done.
The closeout buyer mails you a check, or sends you a money wire for $5,000.
That’s it – and that’s just ONE DEAL that took you about an hour of your time to put together.

There’s simply no easier way to make a four, or five-figure income each and every month.

And because of that, I originally planned on charging $500 for access to Instant Closeout Profits.

I figured that’s what those “work from home” B.S. artists price their stuff at…

And unlike all of that garbage you see out there on the Internet, this actually WORKS.

But the more I thought about it…the more I realized that getting Instant Closeout Profits into your hands wasn’t really about the money for me.

I’m making more than enough money simply USING this system…so why be greedy?

Especially when I can still feel the sting of watching my wife cry after one of our fights about money…

And I can still remember that sense of DREAD that used to come over me every Monday morning…when I realized I had a full week of work that I HATED coming up…and no other options.

You see: getting Instant Closeout Profits into your hands is about MUCH MORE than just the tons of cash you’re going to make…

It’s about giving you ultimate, unrestricted FREEDOM.

The freedom to live life as you choose…on your own terms…while being the provider and protector of all those you love.

And given all of that, there’s simply no way I’m going to ask you to shell out nearly half a grand for this system – no matter how sincerely I think it’s worth it.

Instead, and only if you act right now while this website is still online…

You’re going to be given instant and unrestricted access to the entire Instant Closeout Profits system…

The 25 websites to advertise on…

The list of 150 closeout buyers…

The explicit and easy-to-follow instructions detailing exactly what to say, what to do, and how to do it…

The guide to negotiating the fat commissions you deserve…without even breaking a sweat.

For just $500 $97.

That’s less than it costs to even register a new LLC on Legal Zoom…

And you don’t even need to start a company to use this…because it’s just you…with no employees or inventory.

So go ahead and get started on your new life immediately, by clicking the yellow button you see below this video right now.

Once you do, you’ll be taken to my secure checkout page, where you’ll enter your order details.

Then as soon as you’re finished, you’ll be taken to a special “partners only” page I’ve had set up…

Where you’ll be given INSTANT access to the entire Instant Closeout Profits program.

From the “partners only” page, you’ll be able to view everything…the lists, the guides, the simple steps…

Right from your computer, phone, or tablet.

Plus, you can download everything, or print out as many copies as you want.

And on top of all that…

Your decision today to ditch your day job, secure your retirement, and make more money per month than you ever have in your life comes with one more BIG perk…

Which is my full 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Here’s how that works:

Right now, you only have to take a test-run of Instant Closeout Profits.

You do that by clicking the yellow button you see below this video and completing your order.

Then, enjoy your instant access to the entire system…

Start following the easy steps I’ve provided you with…

And agree to commit 5 hours per week to your new investment, for the next 30 days.

Do this, and you can be making $3,000 in profits in your very first month.

And, if for any reason you don’t…or even if you just make $2,200 and you wanted to make $3,200…

Simply send an email to the address I give you inside the “partners only” area…

And I will refund your entire investment with zero questions asked.

I don’t think that will happen, because it’s virtually impossible to NOT make money with Instant Closeout Profits.

But I don’t want you to even hesitate for a SECOND here…especially because I’ve seen first hand how profitable this system can be.

So go ahead and get started now with your 60 Day, 100% Risk-Free Money-Back guarantee by clicking the yellow button you see below this video right now.

This presentation is almost finished, and the choice is yours.

You could let it end, and then just leave this website and go on with your day.

If you do that, more power to you, it’s your life, my friend.

But before you do: just think about it for a second…

What will change if you don’t take action today?

Are you planning on getting a new raise in the next year that will double or triple your income?

Are you completely and utterly financially secure, with a fat retirement account that you know will get you through 20…30…or even 40 years?

Is an extra $3,000, $7,000, or $10,000 in monthly income something you don’t really care about?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, then you owe it to yourself to take advantage of this risk-free offer that’s right in front of you.

So get started now by clicking the yellow button you see right below this video screen…

And I’ll meet up with you in the “partners only” section of the site in a moment from now.


Garth Conway

Jacksonville, Florida

Hey, you still here?

I bet you have a couple of questions right?

No problem at all, you’re not the first person to experience a sense of mind-racing excitement after watching this presentation.

So to help you out, let me go ahead and answer some of the most common questions I get asked right here and now:

1. How much money can I expect to make using Instant Closeout Profits?

Well, it depends on the number of hours you put in. But if you follow the steps I give you inside faithfully…

You can bring in at least $3,000 per month in profit using this system.

For a lot of people, however, that amount is closer to $12,000…or even $15,000…

But I’d rather keep your expectations modest, and shoot to over-deliver on my promise to you.

2. How much time will I really need to put into using this system?

5 hours per week is all that’s needed.

No joke. If you put in 30 hours per week than you could probably make $50,000 or $100,000 a month…but that’s completely up to you.

Personally, I enjoy making a minimum of $10,000 per month for about 5 hours per week of my time. But everyone’s different.

3. How exactly does this system work again?

Inside Instant Closeout Profits, you’re shown how to act as the bridge between two groups of people.

On the one side, you’ve got your “sellers”. These sellers are retailers and manufacturers who either overstocked certain products or who have products that aren’t selling at full price.

On the other side, you’ve got your “buyers.”

These buyers are closeout retailers who make their money buying the “sellers” products at a discount.

All you have to do is connect the desperate sellers to the eager buyers, and take your commission.

It’s that easy, and you’re shown exactly how to do it inside Instant Closeout Profits.

4. What are the terms of that guarantee again?

You have a full 60 Days to try the Instant Closeout Profits system for yourself.

If for any reason whatsoever you’re not satisfied with this investment…

Or even if you only make $2,800 in your first month, and you wanted to make $3,000…

Just send an email to the address I give you in that “partners only” area of the website...

And I’ll refund your investment with no questions asked.

5. Okay, how do I get started?

Get started now by clicking the yellow button you see below this video right.

All it takes is one click, and you could be on your way to a life-changing income within 60 seconds of now.

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