Brave Reloaded - Q&A Session with Dr. Henry Ealy

1 year ago

Dr. Henry Ealy answered tons of questions and shared practical advice on protecting yourself from the C0V!D bioweapons.
But he also revealed some major insights, like… How he’s reviewed the literature on shedding and he explains the exact mechanism of how shedding occurs - including through breastmilk… And for how long someone sheds for after being vaxxed.

“Let's talk about time frames because time frames are very important from what we've seen in the peer-reviewed literature so far… mRNA, we know will now shed via breast milk, via seminal secretions and vaginal mucosal secretions, and also salivary secretions. So far from what I've seen in the literature, up to 48 hours. So if somebody got a shot on Tuesday, that means from Tuesday to Wednesday to Thursday that yes, they can shed...”

Dr. Ealy also confirmed that after coming to the conclusion that the spike proteins are actually spike “glycoproteins”, he believes that Dr. Bryan Ardis’ take on this being venom is correct.

“The spike glycoprotein was based upon snake venom. And what they've essentially done is figured out how to put it into an mRNA sequence that can upload, reverse transcribe and upload into your DNA, particularly if you are MTHFR disorder positive…

And now your body is essentially producing a glycoprotein based upon snake venom. So something very similar in terms of (the) mechanism of action of what snake venom does.

I'm saying this to you, and I'm going to tell you right now, I feel like I'm crazy saying this, but I've seen the research on this, folks, and it all starts to make a lot of sense when you really break it down.”

And, apart from some huge revelations, Dr. Ealy shared what you can do right now to protect yourself from vaxx shedding (from both mRNA & spike glycoproteins)...

And why you do NOT need to be afraid of shedding.

He also shared protocols on what to do if you have been vaxxed and how to detox your body successfully.

Recorded on Thursday December 15, 2022.


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