NYC/NJ area multi-talented Christine Vitale is my very special guest!

2 years ago

NYC/NJ area multi-talented Christine Vitale talks about her amazing career in the entertainment industry as a booking agent, radio host and the owner of Studio Chatter LLC! Christine also talks about her beginnings as a member of the United in Group Harmony Association to foster wider recognition for R & B vocal groups with deep roots in music, plus her experience at WNWK and WNYC and now as the host on Hudson River Radio and on Twitch, plus the sole purpose of Studio Chatter LLC helping other artists and committed to supporting the live music circuit, and providing organic live music experiences more! Check out the amazing Christine Vitale on all streaming platforms and today! #christinevitale #newyorkcity #newjersey #bookagent #radiohost #studiochatter #studiochatterllc #unitedingeoupharmony #R&B #hudsonriverradio #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerchristinevitale #themikewagnershowchristinevitale

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