Advantages & Disadvantages of Using a Paper or Metal Cold Wallet

2 years ago

What Are the Advantages of Using a Paper or Metal Cold Wallet?
1) You control the Private Keys.
2) Paper wallets are inexpensive and easy to create.
3) Metal cold wallets are durable and resistant to fire and water damage.
4) It is a very simple way to gift cryptocurrency to others.
5) Your Private Keys are entirely offline and can only be accessed by using the physical paper or metal wallet.

What Are the Disadvantages of Using a Paper or Metal Cold Wallet?
1) Loss of the paper or metal wallet could result in the loss of your cryptocurrency. Care must be taken when creating the paper wallet to prevent the private key being stored on a printer's memory or viewed by a web camera.
Also, care must be taken to protect paper wallets from fire and water damage.
Laminating a paper wallet will prevent water damage and storing the wallet in a fire resistant safe will help protect it from fire damage.
2) Typically, paper or metal wallets will handle only one cryptocurrency at a time.
3) The coins can be inconvenient to spend since the wallet must be swept into a software wallet in order to spend them.
4) Normally, there isn’t a mnemonic backup phrase that can recover the wallet.
If you lose the paper or metal wallet there is no way to recover the coins.

*Note: Beware of novelty metal cryptocurrency coins. They are metal or plastic coins that look like a metal cryptocurrency wallet, but are intended to be a souvenir.
Any address or private key stamped on it will be duplicated on all other coins.
They are NOT real metal cryptocurrency wallets!

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