MR. NON-PC - Shame On All Those CovidCult Cowards...

2 years ago

This one is dedicated to all the Covidiots who STILL think that they were doing the "right thing" and are still going along with one of humanity's greatest deceptions!

Now if you're one of the people who admitted it was a sham and you made a mistake then I give you credit, but if you're still wearing a mask, taking your boosters and doubling down on the CovidCult B.S then you're nothing but a COVIDCULT COWARD!!!

The best thing to do is point out to these COVIDCULT COWARDS that we're going into YEAR 3 of this deception and the best thing to do is KEEP EXPOSING THE LIES.

Everyone can do their own out the fraud....tell the truth, instead of hiding behind a lie!

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