FREE Ab Workout Plan in Video Description to Lose Belly Fat

2 years ago

Your free text based ab workout plan to lose belly fat is down below.
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Your FREE Ab Workout Plan👇:

1: You agree to do this all at your own risk!

2: Start with a warm up to get your blood flowing and your muscles ready for the workout. A warm up could be as simple as jogging in place or doing a few jumping jacks.

3: Next, perform 3-5 sets of each of the following exercises, with a 60-second rest between sets:

Ab Exercise 1: Plank: Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then rest for 60 seconds before starting the next set.

See plank tutorial

Ab Exercise 2: Lying leg raises: Do 20 reps, then rest for 60 seconds before starting the next set.

See lying leg raise tutorial

Ab Exercise 3: Starfish crunches: Continue alternating sides for 20 reps, then rest for 60 seconds before starting the next set.

See starfish crunch tutorial

Finish with a cool down to stretch out your muscles and help your body recover. Some good stretches to include in your cool down are the child's pose, downward facing dog, and pigeon pose.

You can repeat this simple Ab Workout routine 3 times per week for the next 4 weeks.

Remember to listen to your body and do the exercises with great form. As you get stronger, you can increase the number of sets or add in more challenging exercises to keep your workouts more interesting and effective.

Thanks for your support,
Kevin from Hi Fit Life.

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