On Carden's Wild Domain by Rev. Tim Corcoran

2 years ago

Many thanks to Ireland's Ambassador to Australia for reminding me which poem he recited during his speech at the 'Return to Tipperary' event here in Galong last year.

The poem was collected here as part of a fabulous initiative to collect songs and stories from schools in Ireland from 1937-1939:

The poem is partially referenced in a O'Mullally and Lally Clann history here in 1942, crediting the poem to T.M.Corcoran:

The conflict between the English and Irish in the Carden baronets that this song was written about also has a strange side story of stalking:

I couldn't initially find a sung version of this, but further research revealed this lovely version by Tim Dennehy:

The only thing that irks me about this song, is that the third verse tries to rhyme 'vale' with 'domain'. Which was possibly an error introduced in the collecting?

My plan in the first half of this year is to finish the album of Return to Tipperary songs.

#tipperary #Ireland

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Bandcamp: https://ozfolklounge.bandcamp.com/

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