Naturevore: FLORIDA FORAGING Walk #3 (Oct. 30): RINGLESS HONEY Halloween!

2 years ago

Collin Gow, C.N.C. goes foraging for wild edibles in Florida with his son August. Together they find Sida (Wireweed), ruffle lichen, Christmas lichen, Virginia creeper, Oriental false hawksbeard, ponysfoot, ringless honey mushrooms, bullbrier (S. bona-nox), caesarweed, pennywort, wax myrtle, dwarf palmetto, cypress knees, gotu kola, an apple snail, cinnabar bracket mushroom (Pycnoporus sanguineus), stinkvine, satin leaf wild coffee (Psychotria sulzneri), a mystery brown mushroom, an orchid, woodsorrel (Oxalis), American elm, air potato, wild coffee (Psychotria nervosa), beautyberry, starry rosinweed, low-bush blueberry, coral honeysuckle, gallberry, birds, a purple mystery mushroom (probably Laccaria amethystina), tropical chickweed, and a rabbit. Identification, morphology, phenology, nutrition, biological actions, phytochemistry, pharmacognosy, Native American, and ethnomedicinal uses are casually discussed.


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