The 1611th Mention of LORD (And Why It's a Really Big Deal)

2 years ago

Do you know where God placed his name? This video provides a case for a perfect Bible. The 1611 King James Bible.

But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
1 Peter 1:25


Previous Video (Bible Study on Isaiah 34:16)

Verse Map:

Book / Visual Charts PDFs:


I'm thankful for the opportunity to share this knowledge with the rest of His body. I've never done a video like this before, and my computer almost failed me, and I know it's not perfect, but here we are, praise the Lord! All glory to Him alone!

I'm eternally thankful for my wife. Y'all have no idea how much she helps me. She doesn't even know how much she helps me! I couldn't function without her.

Thank you, my international brothers, who shared your personal views on the KJB with me. It's a tremendous blessing to hear your testimonies, and in fact, that is my favorite segment of the whole video.

Thank you to all who helped me research and put together this project. I am for ever grateful. When it comes to historical research, Christopher Yetzer was incredibly resourceful and full of good insight. Thank you brother for everything.

If you ever want a Bible leaf from 1611, you can actually get one from I got one from both 1611 and 1612. While the owner, Bruce, may not hold the same view as me in terms of the KJB, he was also greatly helpful to me during my research. Thank you Bruce.

I'm also thankful to George from his channel for vetting both the numeric and historic info in this video. He actually brought up an interesting point that I wasn't able to share in the video itself so I'll share it here:


The 1612th mention of "Lord" in the KJB is also in Deuteronomy 16:11. This is very significant because the 1611 edition of the KJB was only published in massive folio size- printed for the pulpits. There's no way you could lug one of those around all day. The quarto-sized Bibles, much smaller, printed for the common man, were first published in 1612. So it's pretty amazing to have both the 1611 and 1612 mentions of "Lord" together as the 7th and 49th words of this verse. The Bible for the preacher. The Bible for the common man. The Bible for all.

Thank you brother Lotan for your amazing contribution to what I believe is the most important point being made in the video. You never cease to bless the Lord's body with your talent and fervor to serve the Lord. To Christ be the glory!

Thank you to all who are out there praying for me. In particular, I am thankful to you, Eric, My brother. You have been more than a brother. I couldn't have done this without your prayers.

If you ever need any clarifications, please reach out!
In Christ Jesus our Saviour,


1 Corinthians 1:19-25

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