Train Valley | A Train Management Puzzle Game

2 years ago

Hello Im Skill Incarnate and Welcome to My Games Review Series.
My reviews cover indie games that i have bought, had gifted to me and have been provided by developers for review.

In this episode I check out a charming little train management simulator on the Playstation called Train Valley, which was published by Blitworks, who release several classic titles for the Playstation including Heroes Of Hammerwatch, They Are Billions and Vagante.
Train Valley changes up the Train Management genre by taking a more Puzzle Oriented Approach, challenging players to manage the dispatch of trains from several stations simultaneously, as you build tracks, manage switches and guide your trains to their destinations. Youll also need to manage a tight budget in order to ensure that you have the resources needed to expand your rail empire.

This is a simple but very addictive game, with over 40 levels, 30 trains and levels taking place accross over 100 years of history.

Please note: All opinions in this video are my own. Game was provided by the developer for review purposes


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Build railroads in order to connect cities, tunnels and bridges. New railways are cheap when laid across bare fields, but can be expensive when demolishing forests, villages and other existing structures.
Manage increasing traffic by constructing, switches, sidings and spurs so that multiple trains can run without delays, at the same time.
Stay accident-free by precisely controlling trains during crucial moments, using pause for planning (you can build railways and schedule trains while on pause).
Play through 5 seasons: Europe (1830–1980), America (1840–1960), USSR (1880–1980), Japan (1900–2020) and Germany (1830-2020).
Complete the story mode featuring such real-life events as the Gold Rush of 1849, the construction of the Florida Overseas Railroad, World War II, the Cold War, the launch of the first manned space flight Vostok 1, the fall of the Berlin Wall and more.
Explore the game in different game modes: in story mode (5-10 minutes), in random mode (15-20 minutes – the level looks and develops differently every time you launch) or in sandbox-like regime (can be turned on for both story and random modes. It allows to play without time and money limits).
Discover 30 types of trains – from early steam-powered locomotives to modern high-speed trains, driving 18 types of cars – from old-time passenger cars to hoppers and cisterns and to military-use tank and gun platforms.

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