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Senator Rand Paul raises the alarm on our coming fiscal calamity
Senate votes to “Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline”
[X] indicates vote to waive was successful. Under the vote I will include the # of Republicans (e.g. 23 of 50 R) & Democrats (e.g. 33 of 50 D) that voted to “Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline”.
117th Congress - 2nd Session (2022) [X]
16 of 50 R – 49 of 50 D
7 of 50 R – 50 of 50 D
50 of 50 R – 4 of 50 D
1 of 50 R – 4 of 50 D
49 of 50 R – 0 of 50 D
50 of 50 R- 5 of 50 D
0 of 50 R – 1 of 50 D [X]
17 of 50 R – 47 of 50 D
117th Congress - 1st Session (2021) [X]
14 of 50 R – 50 of 50 D [X]
22 of 50 R – 50 of 50 D [X]
23 of 50 R – 49 of 50 D [X]
14 of 50 R – 50 of 50 D
48 of 50 R – 1 of 50 D (should biological men be competing w/ biological women in sports?)
49 of 50 R - 3 of 50 D
49 of 50 R - 2 of 50 D
48 of 50 R – 0 of 50 D
0 of 50 R - 42 of 50 D
50 of 50 R - 1 of 50 D
40 of 50 R – 0 of 50 D (no more employment-based visas until the labor force reaches pre-plandemic levels)
50 of 50 R – 0 of 50 D
50 of 50 R – 0 of 50 D (contra stacking the SCOTUS)
49 of 50 R – 0 of 50 D
50 of 50 R – 2 of 50 D (To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to prioritizing taking into custody aliens charged with a crime resulting in death or serious bodily injury)
50 of 50 R – 0 of 50 D
50 of 50 R – 2 of 50 D (To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to improving health care to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion)
25 attempts in the 117th Congress to “Waive All Budgetary Discipline”, flip the bird to actual taxpayers & 6 succeeded. Democrats want to end the filibuster because it is one of the reasons we are able to stop a lot of horrendous spending from becoming law. Sans the filibuster, it would be easier for public sector goons who never had a real job (e.g., Bernie Sanders) in the private sector to spend us into a financial apocalypse.
Democrats also want to end the Filibuster & neuter precedents like The Byrd Rule so they can use the reconciliation process to tack on garbage that is not germane (e.g. attaching a minimum wage hike or card check to a bill dedicated to education or defense spending) & do that with 50 votes. The overweight Kamala Harris or some troglodyte like her would cast the tie-breaking vote.
The filibuster & the roadblocks tied to it serve a purpose. Can you imagine how crazy these lunatics would get w/ your money if they could spindle & mutilate budgetary discipline & abuse the reconciliation process w/ 50 votes?
There’s a lot of really bad legislation that gets through, but some is stopped because folks like Rand Paul demand that spending on X have an offset. This requires 60 votes & all too often there are 60 people in the Senate who are not thinking of your grandchildren when they vote “yea.”
Now, back to the game.
116th Congress - 2nd Session (2020) [X]
31 of 53 R – 47 of 47 D [X]
22 of 53 R – 46 of 47 D
116th Congress - 1st Session (2019) [X]
26 of 53 R – 38 of 47 D [X]
43 of 53 R – 39 of 47 D [X]
38 of 53 R – 46 of 47 D
5 for 5 in the 116th Congress
115th Congress - 2nd Session (2018) [X]
22 of 51 R – 46 of 49 D (this one was a budget buster deluxe)
0 of 51 R - 21 of 49 D [X]
50 of 51 R - 17 of 49 D
15th Congress - 1st Session (2017) [X]
43 of 52 R – 48 of 48 D
51 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D [X]
33 of 52 R – 48 of 48 D
50 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D
10 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D
43 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D
51 of 52 R – 1 of 48 D
51 of 52 R – 1 of 48 D
49 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D
1 of 52 R – 47 of 48 D
51 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D
47 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D
50 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D
51 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D
51 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D
1 of 52 R – 47 of 48 D
0 of 52 R - 47 of 48 D
1 of 52 R – 48 of 48 D
31 of 52 R – 0 of 48 D
4 for 22 in the 115th Congress
114th Congress - 2nd Session (2016) [X]
40 of 54 R – 45 of 46 D [X]
53 of 54 R – 32 of 46 D [X]
40 of 54 R – 44 of 46 D [X]
25 of 54 R – 45 of 46 D
33 of 54 R – 0 of 46 D
5 of 54 R – 43 of 46 D
2 of 54 R – 44 of 46 D
114th Congress - 1st Session (2015) [X]
37 of 54 R – 36 of 46 D
1 of 54 R – 45 of 46 D
0 of 54 R - 45 of 46 D
52 of 54 R – 0 of 46 D
2 of 54 R – 45 of 46 D
4 of 54 R – 44 of 46 D
52 of 54 R – 1 of 46 D
1 of 54 R – 44 of 46 D
53 of 54 R – 2 of 46 D
2 of 54 R – 45 of 46 D
0 of 54 R - 46 of 46 D
0 of 54 R - 45 of 46 D [X]
18 of 54 R – 46 of 46 D [X]
50 of 54 R – 21 of 46 D
13 of 54 R – 45 of 46 D
5 of 54 R – 46 of 46 D
4 of 54 R – 0 of 46 D
(To increase new budget authority for fiscal years 2016 and 2017 and modify outlays for fiscal years 2016 through 2022 for National Defense (budget function 050) with offsets.) This was a huge vote & displayed how much pull the Military Industrial Crony Capitalist Public/Private Partnership Taxpayer-funded Trough has in Washington. I am not shocked the vote failed, but I am shocked at how few people were willing to vote along w/ Rand Paul.
31 of 54 R - 1 of 46 D
2 of 54 R – 44 of 45 D
6 of 54 R – 45 of 46 D [X]
25 of 54 R – 46 of 46 D
0 of 54 R - 43 of 46 D
4 of 54 R – 46 of 46 D
47 of 54 R – 2 of 46 D
8 of 31 in the 114th
113th Congress-1st session (2013)
14 of 46 R – 54 of 54 D
14 of 46 R – 54 of 54 D
113th Congress-2nd session (2014) [X]
34 of 45 R – 52 of 55 D
0 of 45 R – 50 of 55 D
44 of 45 R - 4 of 55 D [X]
22 of 45 R – 53 of 55 D [X]
5 of 45 R – 55 of 55 D [X]
10 of 45 R – 54 of 55 D
2 of 45 R – 54 of 55 D [X]
9 of 45 R – 55 of 55 D
5 of 10 in the 113th Congress
Of the 93 votes above to Waive All Budgetary Discipline from 2013-2022 (113th-117th Congress) 30.107% (28) of them were successful. Remember, these votes have a 3/5 threshold, so it always needed some votes from the opposition to be successful.
Of those 93 votes, Republicans voted “yea” 52.36% (2,504 of 4,782) of the time. If a Senator was absent from the vote, I assumed he/she was against it & did not bother voting.
In votes where the amendment to waive budgetary discipline was *SUCCESSFUL* the GOP voted “yea” (782 of 1,428) 54.76% of the time.
Of those 93 votes to Waive All Budgetary Discipline from 2013-2022 (113th-117th Congress), Democrats voted “yea” 55.789% (2,520 of 4,517) of the time.
In votes where the amendment to waive budgetary discipline was *SUCCESSFUL* the Dumbasscrats voted “yea” (1,254 of 1,372) 91.399% of the time. The Dummycrats stick together much better than the GOP & in votes where they are close to en masse support they pick off enough GOP squishes to make it happen.
I could also say the GOP could stop many of these votes, but not enough of them do so & they cross over, giving the Democrats victory. The reverse does not happen often.
We do not have enough Rand Paul or Mike Lees in the Senate to stop this madness. The GOP is like a football team that drives the ball down the field with ease, but they falter in the red zone & have to kick a lot of field goals.
The Communists however, are scoring a lot more touchdowns in the red zone.
Be careful when perusing this on the Senate website, you cannot always search for “waive all applicable budgetary discipline” because whomever puts this up does NOT always use the same verbiage. Ergo, that is why some of my votes are out-of-order, I always check my work several times & found this later (e.g., sometimes “Motion to Waive All Applicable Budget Points of Order” is used & it will muck up your research).
Let us do the 112th & 111th Congress too!
112th Congress-2nd session (2012)
5 of 47 R- 50 of 53 D
2 of 47 R – 49 of 53 D
2 of 47 R – 48 of 53 D
1 of 47 R – 49 of 53 D
5 of 47 R – 53 of 53 D [X]
13 of 47 R – 50 of 53 D [X]
9 of 47 R – 53 of 53 D
41 of 47 R - 1 of 53 D
40 of 47 R – 0 of 53 D (To lower the FY13 discretionary budget authority cap as set in the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 by $11,000,000,000 in order to offset the general fund transfers to the Highway Trust Fund.) This was not even touching entitlements but was an offset to funds being shifted to highways. Apparently, Democrats are as attached to Discretionary funding as they are bankrupt entitlements [X]
14 of 47 R – 52 of 53 D
112th Congress-1st session (2011) [X]
18 of 47 R – 53 of 53 D
47 of 47 R – 0 of 53 D [X]
(To repeal the expansion of information reporting requirements for payments of $600 or more to corporations, and for other purposes.) I can see why Parkay Teeth Bernie Sanders voted “nay”, he’s never had a private sector job, so he does not understand what it’s like to be buried in red tape & paperwork
47 of 47 R - 34 of 53 D
5 of 13 in the 112th Congress
The GOP voted to waive budgetary discipline 39.93% (244 of 611) of the time on all votes & votes where the waiving of budgetary discipline was *SUCCESSFUL* they voted “yea” 42.97% (101 of 235) of the time.
The Dumocrat groomers voted to waive budgetary discipline 71.407% (492 of 689) of the time & on votes where the waiver was *SUCCESSFUL* they voted “yea” 91.32% (242 of 265) of the time.
111th Congress-2nd session (2010) [X]
2 of 41 R – 59 of 59 D [X]
3 of 41 R – 57 of 58 D
40 of 41 R – 1 of 59 D
0 of 41 R - 45 of 59 D
40 of 41 R - 17 of 59 D
0 of 41 R - 57 of 59 D
39 of 41 R – 12 of 59 D [X]
3 of 41 R – 57 of 59 D
40 of 41 R - 7 of 59 D [X]
1 of 41 R - 59 of 59 D
1 of 41 R - 57 of 59 D
40 of 41 R - 2 of 59 D
39 of 41 R – 0 of 59 D
40 of 41 R – 5 of 59 D
40 of 41 R – 0 of 59 D
37 of 41 R - 3 of 59 D
36 of 41 R – 0 of 59 D
39 of 41 R – 1 of 59 D
39 of 41 R - 3 of 59 D
40 of 41 R - 2 of 59 D
40 of 41 R - 3 of 59 D
40 of 41 R – 0 of 59 D (To enroll Members of Congress in the Medicaid program) I guess no Democrats wanted to take the health care program that they want all their perpetually-unemployed voters to have
39 of 41 R – 2 of 59 D
0 of 41 R - 27 of 59 D
40 of 41 R - 16 of 59 D [X]
6 of 41 R – 57 of 59 D
36 of 41 R - 5 of 59 D
41 of 41 R - 18 of 59 D
22 of 41 R – 0 of 59 D
111th Congress-1st session (2009) [X]
4 of 40 R – 59 of 60 D (this one was a budget buster deluxe, but hey, we have the money!)
24 of 40 R – 8 of 60 D
37 of 40 R - 5 of 60 D
16 of 40 R - 18 of 60 D [X]
1 of 40 R - 60 of 60 D [X]
5 of 40 R- 55 of 60 D
39 of 40 R – 8 of 60 D
37 of 40 R- 4 of 60 D
39 of 40 R – 7 of 60 D [X]
4 of 40 R – 56 of 60 D [X]
15 of 40 R – 56 of 60 D
22 of 40 R – 12 of 60 D
37 of 40 R – 1 of 60 D [X]
4 of 40 R – 56 of 59 D
40 of 40 R - 19 of 59 D (To enhance public knowledge regarding the national debt by requiring the publication of the facts about the national debt on IRS instructions, Federal websites, and in new legislation.)
1 of 40 R – 32 of 59 D
39 of 40 R - 11 of 59 D
34 of 41 R - 2 of 58 D (To provide for a point of order against any appropriations bill that fails fully fund the construction of the Southwest border fence.) Democrats had begun their “let us make it as easy as possible for illegal immigration to occur” metamorphosis
24 of 41 R - 4 of 58 D [X]
40 of 41 R – 23 of 58 D
41 of 41 R - 5 of 58 D
0 of 41 R - 42 of 58 D
26 of 41 R – 0 of 58 D [X]
3 of 41 R – 58 of 58 D (this one was a budget buster deluxe) [X]
3 of 41 R – 58 of 58 D (this one was also a budget buster)
35 of 41 R – 0 of 58 D [X]
23 of 41 R – 58 of 58 D
37 of 41 R – 0 of 58 D
35 of 41 R – 0 of 58 D
40 of 41 R – 0 of 58 D
37 of 41 R – 2 of 58 D
37 of 41 R – 0 of 58 D
37 of 41 R – 1 of 58 D
40 of 41 R - 4 of 58 D
36 of 41 R – 0 of 58 D
33 of 41 R - 9 of 58 D [X]
31 of 41 R – 40 of 58 D
2 of 41 R – 56 of 58 D
16 of 67 in the 111th Congress
Of those 67 votes to eschew budgetary discipline, GOP Senators voted (1,741 of 2,730)
“yea” 63.772% of the time. On votes where the waiver was *SUCCESSFUL* the GOP voted “yea” (148 of 650) 22.769% of the time.
Of those 67 votes to ignore budgetary discipline, Dumbasscrat Senators voted “yea” (1,401 of 3,944) 35.53% of the time. Pertaining to votes where the waiver was *SUCCESSFUL* Dummycrats voted “yea” (868 of 943) 92.046% of the time.
We can see from that, who is better at sticking together to ignore fiscal responsibility – it is no contest.
Adding the 112th & 111th Congress’ together, GOP Senators voted to ignore budgetary discipline (1,985 of 3,341) 59.413% of the time.
When waiver votes were *SUCCESSFUL* GOP Senators voted “yea” (249 of 885) 28.135% of the time.
Adding the 112th & 111th Congress’ together, Democrat Senators voted to ignore budgetary discipline (1,893 of 4,633) 40.859% of the time.
When waiver votes were *SUCCESSFUL* Democrat Senators voted “yea” (1,110 of 1,208) 91.887% of the time.
AGAIN, we can see who sticks together to avoid budgetary discipline & they stick together much better than the GOP does. Granted, those 2 Congress’ had sizeable Dumocrat majorities, but the story is always the same.
There are enough George Voinovich, Susan Collins (and yes, I would prefer Susan over Sara Gideon, but Collins is a squish) & Arlen Specter characters in the GOP that they convince a few of these squishes & are able to win some of these votes.
In the 111th & 112th there were 80 attempts to waive fiscal sanity (21 successful), whereas from the 113th-117th there were only 93 (28 successful). You can see when the Dums had bigger majorities, they went crazy & they were drunk w/ power trying to ram though (and sticking together when the minority had an amendment, some good, some bad) anything & everything.
This is why they must be stopped & I will again appeal to any voters living in MT, WV, AZ or OH. You will have GOP Senate primaries in the summer of 2024 – if there is a Rand Paul, Mike Lee or Thomas Massie type candidate running, you owe it to this country to get to your primary & support them. ALL THOSE RACES ARE WINNABLE! Do you want more Susan Collins’ in the Senate or more Rand Paul’s? Do you want more George Voinovich & Mitt Romney or more Mike Lee?
If you are in UT, do everything to make sure next year is Mitt Romney’s last full year in the Senate. Capiche?
It was Democrat dark money (that they abhor of course) that was funding these fly-by-night websites (the Fix the Senate site has not been updated for 8 months, likely another offshoot will pop up & then go up in smoke) demanding that the filibuster be ended. It was not grassroots, it is AstroTurf.
***Fix Our Senate, the obscure outfit leading a coalition of 70 liberal advocacy groups backing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) anti-filibuster drive, is a left-wing “dark-money pop-up,” according to a political nonprofit finance expert.
“Fix Our Senate may present itself as a standalone, grassroots activist group, but it’s actually a front for the Sixteen Thirty Fund, itself part of a $1.7 billion left-wing ‘dark- money pop-up’ empire run by the shadowy consulting firm Arabella Advisors,” said Capital Research Center (CRC) senior investigative researcher Hayden Ludwig.
“We call these fronts ‘pop-ups’ because they’re websites which pop into existence, run attack campaigns, and disappear in an instant and almost never reveal their connection to Arabella or its nonprofits,” Ludwig told The Epoch Times on Jan. 4. [NOTE: This likely explains their site being in limbo for 8 months now]…
Schumer promised earlier this week to seek a vote by Jan. 17 on abolishing or reforming the filibuster—the Senate’s “cloture” rule that requires 60 votes to end debate and vote on a proposal—if Senate Republicans block consideration of two election reform packages that are top priorities of the Democrats’ progressive, or far-left, faction.
Republicans argue the reforms—the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act—severely limit or eliminate entirely the use of photo IDs and related ballot security measures, and require that all proposed changes to state election laws have prior Department of Justice (DOJ) approval.
Measures such as strengthening voter identification requirements are highly popular with the public, with recent surveys by Rasmussen, Monmouth, Pew, and AP-NORC finding 72 to 80 percent support for requiring photo IDs to vote.
Fix Our Senate describes itself as a “coalition of more than 70 organizations (and counting) representing millions of Americans fighting to eliminate the filibuster and fix the Senate so our elected officials can finally start delivering on their promises.”
While no individuals are identified as officials on Fix Our Senate’s website, Eli Zupnick is identified by The Hill as a “spokesman.” He’s cited as praising Schumer for making “the choice clear: Senate Democrats must now choose between protecting our democracy or stubbornly preserving an outdated and abused Senate rule.”
The Epoch Times received no response to its questions submitted through the “Press Inquiries” contact form on the Fix Our Senate website by press time. Zupnick, who identifies himself with Fix Our Senate on his Twitter profile page, didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.
He’s the former longtime communications director for Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), working for her in various positions from 2009 until 2019. He also was briefly in 2019 the managing principal for Precision Strategies, a Washington and New York City political consulting and marketing firm co-founded by Stephanie Cutter, who identifies herself as the former deputy campaign manager for President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign.
Among the 70 organizations participating in the Fix Our Senate coalition are the American Muslim Civil Rights Center, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Equal Justice Society, Faith in Public Life, Friends of the Earth, League of Conservation Voters, Peoples’ Action, Right to Health Action, and United We Dream. Many of the participating groups are locally focused activists groups such as the Long Beach Alliance for Clean Energy and Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Action.
Many of the coalition members, whether nationally or locally focused, share one thing in common—significant funding from the Sixteen Thirty/Arabella Fund dark money network, according to Ludwig.
“Because Fix Our Senate and other ‘pop-ups’ aren’t real nonprofits, they don’t file IRS Form 990 disclosures or publicly report their budgets, boards, or lobbying–making it impossible to trace their donors,” Ludwig explained. “Instead, all that money moves through the Sixteen Thirty Fund, itself created and managed by the for-profit company Arabella Advisors as a way for liberal mega-donors to quietly fund many of the Left’s most extreme causes.”
Ludwig said CRC has “traced about $10 million flowing from Arabella’s network funded by anonymous liberal donors to signatories on Fix Our Senate’s anti-filibuster coalition.”***
***Washington-based consulting firm Arabella Advisors reportedly raised and spent billions in dark money last year to fund left-wing endeavors.
In U.S. politics, dark money refers to anonymous donations aimed at influencing elections. In addition to raising $1.5 billion, Arabella also spent $1 billion to support its causes in 2021, according to a Fox News report that cited tax documents.
In an interview with the media outlet, Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director of Americans for Public Trust, pointed to tax returns as proof that Arabella is the “largest dark money player” in U.S. politics.
“This network has established itself as the preeminent hub on the left to finance efforts to defund the police, pack the Supreme Court, enforce radical green energy policies, and prop up the Biden administration’s failing agenda,” Sutherland said.
Arabella is set up as a limited liability company (LLC), meaning that it is privately owned and thus does not come under the purview of disclosure laws that are applicable to political advocacy groups and nonprofits.
As such, billionaires, for example, can easily flood money into Arabella, which the organization can then channel to other funds without the public ever knowing the individuals who are financially backing the entity or the agenda.
Arabella manages five nonprofits, which, in turn, have connections with numerous other groups. The New Venture Fund is the largest of the nonprofits, collecting $955 million last year and spending $553 million. [NOTE: Remember that the next time Democrats whine about “dark money”]
Earlier this year, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) pushed forward a campaign to abolish or reform the filibuster, which is the Senate’s “cloture” rule that requires 60 votes to end a debate.
The move to end the filibuster was supported by an outfit called Fix Our Senate. In an interview with The Epoch Times, Hayden Ludwig, a senior investigative researcher at the Capital Research Center, pointed out that even though Fix Our Senate presents itself as a standalone organization, it is actually a “front for the Sixteen Thirty Fund.”
Governing for Impact, a group that works behind the scenes to shape policy in the Biden administration, has connections with Arabella. Financier George Soros is said to have contributed millions to the outfit.
Campaign for Our Shared Future, a group that acted against those who opposed teaching critical race theory in schools, also carries ties with Arabella.
Marc Elias, a top Democrat attorney, who had earlier pushed the “Russia collusion” hoax and previously served as Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer, registered Democracy Docket LLC in July 2020 to advocate for liberal election causes.
Elias then formed the Democracy Docket Legal Fund, a fiscally sponsored project of the nonprofit Hopewell Fund that comes under Arabella.***
Fix our Senate & the autistics behind it characterize the filibuster as a relic of Jim Crow & if by Jim Crow you mean Woodrow Wilson, then perhaps (see my section on the “Filibuster” here & where I demolished a drug addict on YouTube named “Old Fart Rants” on his felonious, foolish, Senate filibuster follies. The old man needs a civics course & then a history class) it is racist. If by “the filibuster is a construct of the modern Senate” they mean “1837”, then yes -- the Senate filibuster is a “modern” construct.
If the filibuster not being ensconced in the Constitution or not part of the very first convening of the Senate in 1789 is a problem then I could point out that popular election of Senators was not part of the original Founding as well, but I doubt they would want to go back to State Legislatures appointing Senators as it is tougher for their dark money to have an impact in that scenario.
Was the “previous question” motion a part of the first Senate meeting or first convening of the House? Why did the Senate scuttle it & the House not? A lot of the objections from the fascist, anti-filibuster crown are very adolescent.
How about a simple majority of override a POTUS veto? Fix The Senate & their George Soros allies autistically-repeat the word “Democracy” & then in the next breath whine that the Senate itself is constructed to allow gridlock to flourish. Uh, yeah!
If the Founders (and I raised A LOT of these points in my essay on “Parkay Teeth” Bernie Sanders, no need to fill the amendment tree here) intended on us being a “Democracy” they would not have given each state 2 Senators, period. IT’S NOT A DEMOCRACY dummy! The Electoral College is not “Democracy” & neither is the House & Senate arrangements to choose the POTUS & VP in the even nobody gets a majority (and that’s MAJORITY, NOT PLURALITY) of Electoral Votes.
The Founders gave each state 2 Senators (and the ability to define & reform their own rules – which spawned the filibusters like it or not & it has stuck around, like it or not because most Senators like them – until they don’t like them & want to ram Republic-burning legislation down our throats w/ 51 votes out of 101) because they believed that the smaller states would stick together when the bigger states tried to bully them.
That’s why they did not explicitly give the Senate a filibuster in our founding documents & it has nothing to do w/ racism or Jim Crow & it wasn’t a mistake (unless you’re an idiot who reads book w/ coloring areas in them or a liar).
And that concludes my rambling essay on Senate votes to waive budgetary discipline & why Democrats want to end the filibuster. They want to make it easy (remember, one of the reasons the Byrd Rule was constructed was to prevent a group of Senators from attaching say offshore drilling in the Chukchi Sea to a bill designed to fill potholes on the Interstate because it was not germane) for 50.5% (that’s our overweight VP voting w/ 50 Dumocrats) of that elected body to engage in utter insanity.
Although the filibuster has failed to prevent a lot of fiscal ineptitude, should it be scuttled it will allow even more (if you can believe that) fiscal insanity that will crush your grandchildren like a grape under a steamroller.
Reject these nutcases at the ballot box in 2024!
Further information that you need to read & then probably take a bath
Bernie Sanders WAS worried about the national debt
Since the waning days of the George W. Bush regime, “Parkay Teeth” Bernie Sanders has voted to add almost $11 trillion in spending to our federal budget. Wonder why inflation is becoming a regular problem? This is their plan to rupture the middle class & upper middle class.
Compare that to Rand Paul & Mike Lee (both were not seated until the 112th Congress), who are voting the other way, they don’t want a financial catastrophe to bring down the Republic, which Biden & his cronies (as well as several Republicans) are hell-bent on achieving.
If you are a voter in MT, WV, AZ or OH during the 20214 Senate primaries & there is a Rand Paul or Mike Lee type candidate on the ballot, get involved in that primary & help them defeat anyone that Mitch McConnell endorses. Mitt Romney needs to be primaried out of the Senate as well.
We need more Rand Paul & Mike Lee in the Senate, less Mitch McConnnell & Lisa Murkowski. Capiche? We also need more Thomas Massie (was not seated until Nov. 2012) as well.
Parkay Teeth Bernie Sanders loves him some egregious defense spending, look at the allocations for the Pentagon in Bernie’s legislation. Bernie used to be an honest idiot, I respected him for that, now he has become a Swamp Creature, a Beltway Reptilian who loves to spend egregious amounts of money on virtually everything. He does not give a flying squirrel about the fiscal calamity that will befall your grandchildren because his fat butt will be in the ground.
If there are any unemployed Bernie supporters who say, “Those tax cuts were the reason we have deficits”, I suggest you see my Bernie Sanders Tax Hike Challenge, which knocks that out flat.
Nancy Pelosi was worried about the national debt & the deficit at one time, but not any more
Senator Barack Hussein Obama was worried about our coming fiscal calamity, wanted to stop the debt ceiling from being raised
Hillary Clinton called our national debt “a national security threat.”
Hey Hillary Clinton, can we go back to the exact tax rates (personal income, corporate income, capital gains, etc.) that were in force when your husband left office, pare back spending levels to FY2019 & allow 1% federal spending growth UNTIL we shave at least $6 trillion off the national debt? Would you vote for that or not? It’s not the tax rates, it’s the spending stupid!
Senator Harry Reid discovers the national debt is a problem, too bad he didn’t do that during his numerous decades in Congress (read “Dingy” Harry Reid’s remarks on raising the debt ceiling)
The Chuck Schumer of today might want to take the advice of the Chuck Schumer from the George W. Bush Administration.
***“Why do we have a Budget Act? Why do we have a budget resolution? It is to set priorities. If we didn't have to set priorities, we could have as many tax cuts as we wanted and as much spending as we wanted and as big a deficit as we wanted, and the country would be in chaos… I, for one, believe tax cuts are appropriate to stimulate the economy. The amendment wisely allows that… Then, if we do have a crowding out, do people prefer, say, Medicare or tax cuts? Do they prefer education or tax cuts? Do they prefer transportation money or tax cuts? That is what a
budget resolution is all about. [note: IF tax cuts stimulate the economy as you say, then why do you have to choose? He contradicted himself]… Last year we were all saying, accountants have to get a whole lot better. Any accountant in his first year of taking an accounting course in college would say: If you have a huge cost coming up--a cost we all support, the cost of the war--don't do other types of things, whether it be spending or cuts, before you know what that cost is.”***
Schumer actually sounds sensible here, as does former Senator Tom Daschle, who called our “exploding federal deficit” a “debilitating debt” for future generations.
That was almost 2 decades ago, how bad is it now? Daschle tries to give himself some wiggle room, by crying about tax cuts for folks who pay the majority of taxes – again, see my Bernie Sanders Tax Hike Challenge.
BONUS: Senator Rand Paul attempted to increase the voting threshold for budget points of order. 13 Republicans joined all Dumocrats in defeating it. Rand Paul wanted to make it more difficult for Congress to engage in deficit spending sans an offset, most of the Senate would have none of it.
There are Senate GOP Primaries in OH, AZ, WV, MT summer of 2024. All those races are winnable for the GOP. If you have a Rand Paul type candidate in that primary, you have a duty to go vote for that person. We need less Lisa Murkowski, less Mitch McConnell & more Rand Paul, more Mike Lee.
Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back.
Glenn Greenwald
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