What is Real Estate Wholesaling? #shorts

2 years ago

Lauren Hardy is a real estate investor with a “People First” approach to business. Investing in hundreds of properties in her career, Lauren has the unique reputation of being a successful “virtual investor” having not lived in many of the states she’s invested in.

Lauren is a graduate of Cal State Fullerton's Mihaylo College of Business and Finance with over 10 years experience in Real Estate. After becoming a mother she dreamed of creating a business that would give her personal and professional satisfaction, but with the flexibility to make sure she wouldn't miss the important moments of her family life. She has only ever worked in real estate so launching her own real estate investment company made sense.

Lauren has developed a reputation in the industry for persevering in extremely competitive markets by constantly following the market changes and being flexible and willing to move market territories when needed.

Connect with Lauren Hardy: https://www.laurenhardyco.com/

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