Myron & Trap Lore Ross praise Lil Wayne, his mixtapes, his influence on southern rap culture. & More

2 years ago

Myron & Trap Lore Ross talk Lil Wayne, his mixtapes, his legacy and Drakes negative musical impact on men. Myron (Feddit1811) shouts out Lil Wayne diring Hip Hop disscussion on Feddit1811 woth Trap Lore Ross. Myron shouts out Waynes mixtapes, the drought mixtapes and wishes I Cant feel my face was released Trap Lore Ross thinks Lil Wayne is the goat. #myrongaines #feddit1811 #freshandfit #freshandfitpodcast #traploreross #dadroughtmixtapes #icantfeelmyface #lilwayne #hiphopdiscussion #drake #thankmelater

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