FDR's Trip to the Crimea and the Middle East (1945) and FDR Trip to N. Africa (1943)

1 year ago

2 films on 1 disc Photographed by Lt. William Rigdon, USN 44 mins. (1050 ft), silent, color, titles, 16mm approximately 50 ft of b & w film at end FDR's trip on board USS Quincy to Malta; Saki and Yalta, USSR; Great Bitter Lake and Alexandria, Egypt; Algiers, etc., Jan-Feb, 1945. Shots of following persons: Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Gen. George Marshall, Adm. Leahy, Harry Hopkins, Anna Roosevelt Boettiger, Stephen Early, Averill Harriman, King Farouk, Emperor Haile Selassie Archival footage from the FDR Presidential Library Ibn Saud and his entourage, including shots on board USS Murphy . From President Roosevelt's collection. MP71-8:45 The President's Historic Trip to North Africa US Army Signal Corps c.1943, public domain 38 mins. (900 ft, silent, color, 16mm Scenes of FDR's visit to Casablanca, January, 1943, reviewing the troops, meeting with Winston Churchill, and Gen. Henri Giraud. From President Roosevelt's collection.

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