2 years ago

We’re going to uncover the mystery of why they were built, and what lies within them. But first, let’s explore life after a divorce. Is there any hope?

Divorce is a difficult situation for everyone, and many find themselves feeling lost, overwhelmed, and disoriented. Though these feelings are valid, it is possible to heal and move forward.

The best way to start is by accepting that life will be different and allowing yourself to feel all the emotions associated with this transition. Grief, sadness, and anger are normal and should be acknowledged, but over time it is possible to find joy again.

One of the most important aspects of healing is finding a good support system. Seeking professional help is a great way to gather support and process grief. Additionally, connecting with Church, friends, and family can be a great help.

Finally, finding a hobby or something that brings you joy is a great way to start making progress and putting the pieces back together. Engaging in activities that bring you joy can be both therapeutic and enjoyable.

Now, let’s take a look at Mount Dora’s hidden catacombs. We know they were built in 1960’s, but why?
We’re not sure what lies within.

Thanks for joining me on Creative on the Mend.


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