Pilate the People-Pleaser | John 18-19 | Gary Hamrick

2 years ago

Pontius Pilate was the Prefect appointed by Rome to oversee central Israel, including the city of Jerusalem, during the time of Christ. In fact, he became the pivotal figure in sentencing Jesus to death by crucifixion. Ironically, Pilate had determined three times that Jesus was not guilty of being condemned to death. So then why did he end up sentencing Him to death after all? Answer? Because Pilate had a weakness for what other people thought; and that weakness moved Pilate off center from what he knew was right. Truth is, all of us can be captive to the fear of people and trapped by a desire to always please people. Pastor Gary draws on this story from John’s gospel to help us recognize any of that sin in our own lives so that we can instead live to please God and fear Him alone.

00:00 - Introduction
05:00 - Pontius Pilate Stele (Stone)
15:50 - Pilate had a weakness for what other people thought; and that weakness moved Pilate off center from what he knew was right.
23:11 - Pilate was controlled by the fear of man and the desire to please people.
23:18 It was more important to him what people thought than what was the right thing to do.
27:19 - The fear of man will cause you to NOT do things you SHOULD!
27:25 Being a people-pleaser will cause you TO DO things you SHOULDN'T!
33:39 - STOP making decisions based on whom you fear or whom you want to like you.
33:53 - START making decisions based on fearing God and pleasing Him.


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