Triple Vaxxed CTV News Reporter Suffers Medical Emergency Live On Air

2 years ago

Canadian CTV News reporter Jessica Robb has suffered a medical emergency while doing a live broadcast, the triple vaccinated Bell Media employee then set her Twitter account to “protected” where only approved followers can view her tweets.

#jessicarobb #VaccineMandates #informedconsent #crimesagainsthumanity #nurembergcode #vaccineinjuries #trojanhorse #greatreset #buildbackbetter #nurembergtrialsforcovid #4thIndustrialRevolution #vaccineinjuries #vaccineinjured #covid19 #plandemic #covid1984 #adversereactions #FDA #EmergencyUseAuthorization #EUA #WHO #CDC #VaccineVictims #ANTHONYFAUCI #mrnavaccines #Mrna #DIEDSUDDENLY #diedunexpectedly #nopandemicamnesty #nocovidamnesty #shortillness #stoptheshot

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