CERN | Doug Woodward [2022] (Biblical Scholar)

2 years ago

The Secrets of CERN | Doug Woodward (Biblical Scholar)
13 Aug 2022 Mondo ( and Doug Woodward ( author of 20 books on religious history, original and transmission of the Bible, insights into Bible prophecy, and rethinking cosmology in light of biblical truth)

Full Video:
The Secrets of CERN | Doug Woodward

He mentioned this book that he's reading:
The Higgs Fake: How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee

The Higgs Fake - A Critique of Modern Particle Physics (4min video)

Looking up CERN in Australia as today's topic of interest:

CERN From Different Perspectives [Videos]
Jumping around looking at the various perspectives of CERN today, having no formed-opinion of it myself, only that “We don’t know much about it, and apparently, neither do the physicists that work there,” and yet it generates billions of dollars for itself and convinces governments around the world to throw millions at it, and it’s setup all over the world, including Australia.

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