"The Dave Emmons Show, with Cory Sellars."

2 years ago

My guest tonight (1-9-23) on "The Dave Emmons Show" is Cory Sellars, a local experiencer from the Metro-East. Cory tells us about his strange dreams as a kid seeing a Mantis ET and other lucid dreams about other strange worlds. Dimensional travel? Cory says his UFO experiences were a family DNA connection to ETs and followed their families throughout generations. Cory was a Reporter for a local Newspaper and had the privilege of working with a Pulitzer Prize Winner in 2017. He graduated from College as a Journalist. He was a research reporter on several unexplained sounds and sightings in the Metro East area. Cory was also a music booking agent for several bands. This is my ongoing effort to bring new experiencers up front to tell their stories about the UFO phenomena they witnessed.

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