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August 31, 2022 🇺🇸 JESUS CHRIST SAYS... Show Me your Love by your Obedience 2/3
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(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from November 17, 2004)
(The Lord says) If you wish to celebrate My name and My earthly birth, do so; bring glory to My name by your obedience, sacrificing all these things which are against Me. You wish to enjoy festivals with your family, do so.
I have given you seven. And in these seven is wisdom and understanding, the very mind of God, revelation beyond words, the will of God made manifest.
Yet no more do as the pagans and false teachers would have you do. For you must be separate from this world and the churches, Timothy; be set apart for My name.
Therefore, this is what I command you… Cast off this holiday; throw away your tree and lights, rid your house of all decorations; turn away from these filthy traditions.
Honor Me as I truly am, obey the Scriptures, and turn away from the commandments of men. And yes, Timothy, continue to teach your children that which is written in the Scriptures of My earthly birth and the Salvation Day of Men, for this is well pleasing in My eyes…
And blessed are all those who receive this Word, and obey it, choosing to follow in your example, for they too shall be set apart.
Doubt leads to Disobedience
(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from August 25, 2005)
Thus says The Lord… My people are disobedient and stumble always into doubt. How easily they give heed to every subtle and dark speech of the evil one, how easily they are misled.
Timothy, all is forgiven you! Your sins past, present, and yes, even those of tomorrow! For I know your heart and the love which you have for Me. Therefore make your love perfect by obedience, and no longer let your flesh rule over you or prevent you by any means.
Beloved, do you wish to obey? Then obey. Do you wish to stay clean? Then stay clean. Doubt is your enemy, doubt is a stone of stumbling placed at your feet. For I tell you the truth, one whose faith has come to completion, having received the full revelation of who I am, will not sin. For only the face of The Holy One is before his eyes.
Thus says The Lord… Only One is without sin, YahuShua The Messiah, for He is of Me and I of Him; The Father and The Son are One. Yet the desire to sin is still within you, My people, and now also The Truth, and so the battle rages.
Therefore, beware. For doubt leads to disobedience, and to disobey God is sin, and the penalty of sin is death. Yet He who is The Way, The Truth and The Life, has overcome death, having written your name in the Book of Life from the very foundation of the world… What is left then? Only the death of sin itself, and the passing away of death.
Answered Prayers & Miracles made manifest thru Faith & Obedience
(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from December 18, 2005)
Thus says The Lord to His Servant… Timothy, hear My words, and have understanding of the power of steadfast faith and obedience to God, with love and acceptance of His Christ…
All those, drawn to Me, are drawn in spirit… And when they are drawn, they come to Me by way of Christ. I give them to Him, so He may bring them to Me. And when He brings them, they must come as He is… In Spirit and Truth, devoid of sin.
In My presence will one come into the full understanding of love and truth… All tears wiped away because of My love, and by My understanding given to them who have come to Me. So then, to know Him, who I sent to you, is to know Me, because He is in Me and I in He. Love Him, and you love Me. Hate Him, and you shall be forever separated from Me.
In perfect faith will one also have perfect obedience… These listen to My Spirit inside them.
My Spirit is also His Spirit, who you receive the Spirit from, because of your acceptance of the Truth, that HE IS WHO HE IS. So then, all those, who obey, know Me by their obedience, because they had followed that which My Spirit has given them.
Thus says The Lord, your Redeemer… Remember My apostles… They came into perfect faith after My death and resurrection, after which I breathed on them, so they would receive the fullness of that part of Me that would remain with them to the end of the age.
This Spirit, inside them, is in perfect faith and obedience to God, being altogether equal, because I can not deny Myself, nor that part of Me which is God.
The Father and The Son are one, yet two and three… Being that third part, called Spirit and Holy, which is given to men, so that We might be one with them, whom We love and created… Our beloved temples made without human hands, caressed by the hand of God. So come into My joy and receive of Me, and receive the fullness of My Spirit, through faith and obedience.
This is where My apostles dwelt… In total faith, nothing doubting, men become gods, because that which is God is a part of them…
Ask anything in My name, and it will be given you, according to your faith and My will, proven by your obedience, believing what I told you because of your faith.
Receive My love, and share it with others… Then pray for them, in My name, and it will be done.
Remember… All things, asked in My name, shall be done, if you yourself do them. If you ask for another, and you yourself do these things not, then how can My Spirit work through you? The Spirit is equal, yet men remain unequal. Miracles worked by men are possible, and have been manifest by many prophets and apostles… Theirs was steadfastness of faith and obedience to God. So they asked, and it was done and came to pass, in the sight of men. Their spirit was equal, and in balance with the Spirit given them, fulfilling My will… So then, the dead awoke, the lame did walk, and the unclean and sick made well. Strive for steadfast faith, and live your life in obedience to God, and your faith will grow… And likewise will your stumblings cease, and your obedience become natural to you.
Show Me your Love by your Obedience
(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from January 8, 2006)
Thus says The Lord, your Redeemer… Little children, I ask you, do you love Me? Then do as I command you, until The Thief comes. Be wise in Me, and live your life according to My Word, even according to all these Letters I have given you, which are of the same. Be cognizant of My presence, for I have indeed come to live in those who have received of Me and also obey My Word. Therefore listen to My words, and grow wise. For how can one who professes to be in love with Me, continue to live contrary to Me?…
Beloved ones, I love you as I love The Father. In the same way, whoever loves Me loves The Father also, because of Me. I obey The Father in all things, because I love The Father and The Father is in Me. Likewise shall you obey, because you love Me and I am in you.
Oh My beloved little ones, you stumble, having not yet learned to stand or walk… Come to Me in sincerity and truth, and I shall teach you, for I will always lift you up…
And once you have come to stand by the grace I have given you, then will you also learn to walk in Me, even as I walked… Until the time comes when we shall run and leap together, in fields you have not yet known, nor can you imagine.
So then, seek always to walk in My ways, stand steadfast. For the path’s end is in sight, no more time to tarry… Beloved, be My examples! Reveal that you have received of My life, that I live in you, and let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven! Show them The Way by your faith and obedience, that they too may come to walk beside you, even upon the Highway of Holiness in due time.
For I tell you the truth, to walk where The Son of God Most High walks, you must become like Me, crucifying your lives of old, separating yourselves from the bitter enmity which is of this world and men. For as I had spoken it to My disciples of old, so also do I now speak to you… If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Me; for whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Therefore those who strive to hold onto their lives, in this world, will lose their lives, having already become dead man’s bones in a wasteland of many sorrows, leading and following others into condemnation.
Beloved children, what are these things of the world compared with your life? What is their worth? What of all these works of man, are they not passing away? Again I ask you, what is their value? For I tell you the truth, whoever loves anything in all creation, more than Me, is not worthy of Me. For I am The Only Way, The Only Truth and The Only Life; there is nothing apart from Me, for I am He by whom all things consist.
Therefore, come and follow Me!… For I am Jesus The Christ, Yeshua The Gift, YahuShua HaMashiach, the only name under Heaven by which you must be saved!
Beloved, again I say to you, honor Me first in your ways, then with your mouth. For honor only spoken of is but wind, the veil of the hypocrite who knows not where he is going, having no remorse over where he has been; by your feet shall you walk in righteousness, and with your hands shall you wash each other’s feet!
For as it is written, only those who obey My teaching are really My disciples… And oh, how blessed are those who overcome for My name’s sake!
Abide in the Doctrine of the Messiah
(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from June 28, 2006)
(The Lord says) What of you, Timothy? Have you, yourself, saved even one of these thousands who have turned to Me, by your own doings? Did you cause yourself to write these words? Did you give the newly redeemed understanding? Did you pour out your own spirit upon them? Timothy, have peace… I know you know the truth of My words, and the answers of your heart have spoken truth and righteousness. Yet I have, and will continue to make you an example to the people.
My beloved, all of Timothy’s apparent success in the conversion of these many thousands is answered in one word …obedience. He has obeyed the voice of The Lord. I gave him the seeds, he planted, and I gave the increase.
So then, beloved, how then shall you change even one thought or action of those, whom you love, by your presence? Rather, that which is clean must stay clean. For that which is unclean is of a high concentration and does continually flow into that which is of a lower concentration, contaminating it. Only The Lord your God, Maker of all things, can turn back the tide and cleanse that which is contaminated. Why kick your foot against the bricks?… You will only limp away wounded by the effort. You shall go where I send you.
Thus says The Lord… I have come to make not peace, but war, a great division, families in derision… Parents against the children, and the children against the parents… Even sibling against sibling, friend against friend… Your enemies will be they of your own house and kindred. The wheat and the tares must be separated for the harvest, and the wheat taken into My barn. The Lord has spoken… His words stand.
Many are called… Few are chosen
(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from November 12, 2006)
Thus says The Lord, your Master, your Teacher, The Bearer of your cross… Servants, you stand too tall, your girth is too wide; you are unable to pass. For small is the gate, and narrow is the way into Heaven. No man great in stature may enter, called Christian or otherwise. For it is the humble, penitent man who shall enter in. No name, nor mere proclamation or work, shall bring you into My Father’s house, for I search the hearts and minds.
Do I then require perfection? Certainly not… I require sincerity and truth, a loving heart, a sincere striving to obey, a man fully converted in his inward parts, a man who continually humbles himself before Me, seeking My will with all trust; a servant who does not hesitate to come to Me when he stumbles, a man of My own spirit, a man after My own heart.
Therefore, beloved, listen closely and take My words to heart, all you who call of yourselves Christian… I ask you, do you really love Me?… Then follow Me.
Beloved, listen closely and take My words to heart, all you who call of yourselves Christian… Do you really love Me?… Then obey My Word; follow Me!
Beloved, listen closely and take My words to heart, all you who call of yourselves Christian… Do you really love Me?!… Then leave everything and follow Me! Let go! Stop breaking My heart and giving heed to the devil!… FOLLOW ME!
Oh My beloved, I have always loved you; even from the beginning, I have loved you! I am your Maker, your Carpenter, your Father! Let go! Let go of your pride, beloved; let go of this world! Let go and come to Me in truth, your salvation is assured! For I know those who dwell in My Kingdom, I know those who are Mine, I know all of you; I know you as you are and as you will be… Therefore hear Me, beloved, and turn not to the right hand, nor to the left; keep your gaze fixed upon Me! For I am The Way, The Only Truth, The Only Path which leads to Everlasting Life! Beloved, I do not change! I am the same yesterday, today, and all tomorrows to come!
Therefore what I have written, let no man change. Rather follow Me as I have said, and not as you would have Me say. Beloved, keep The Commandments of The Father, as He had written them in stone by His own finger; in number, ten. Keep them all, remember them all, and do them all, according to how they are written and not as man has rewritten them, and it shall be credited to you as righteousness. For I have indeed freed you from the curse of The Law, yet I have not freed you from obedience to The Law. Rather I have given you the means, by My own spirit, to keep The Law…
Oh My beloved, why do you not understand My speech? Why do you not love Me?! Why have you lost the desire to follow Me?! My love has not changed, yet you have changed, removing your hearts far from Me, walking always in a way that is not good to your own hurt. You have all become lords unto yourselves!
Beloved, delight in what The Father has given you; stop desecrating His Sabbaths! Keep what The Father has commanded you, for The Law stands forever, even as all contained therein stands also. Behold, even from Sabbath to Sabbath, in the Kingdom, shall the nations come up to Jerusalem and worship Me.
So then, My beloved, follow Me, and make our love perfect in obedience. Embrace My prophets. And separate yourselves from those who are falsely called so, all those who deny My name by all they say and do.
Obey Me at all times, for not to obey God is Sin
(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from February 4, 2010)
(The Lord says) Thus those who say no to sin, and stay separate from that which God hates, have broken no Commandment. So then to honor any parent who transgresses The Law, by taking part in these perverse holidays of men, is to transgress The Law. Yet by honoring Me in truth, obeying the Word of The Lord, one can by no means transgress The Law.
Therefore those who ask… ‚Would you break one Commandment to obey another?‘, speak without knowledge, having also failed to recognize the lie hidden within. For those who ask such questions have given heed to the subtle deceptions of the evil one, by which they are also led, seeing contradictions where none exist.
Again I tell you, who you choose defines what you do, and one who chooses Me will not sin… Yet all, who choose another and not Me, have denied Me and sinned, for not to obey God is sin.
Come out of the Churches & I will receive you
(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from October 7, 2010)
Thus says The Lord… I have indeed drawn the line and set the standard; I have indeed placed it in the midst of all people! Says The Lord. And no one shall by any means pass over after the number has been fulfilled, when the first election is established. For in the days of Noah, there were many mockers and many who pushed out the lip, jeering and laughing, until the day Noah entered the ark and the door was shut… So shall it be with this wicked generation… The door shall be shut, and many shall be left standing outside, without a covering, with no shelter to protect them from the hard rains which are about to descend.
For lo, I tell you a mystery, which shall soon be made known… Those who come out before the time, who obey My voice, will pass to one side; and those who refuse to the other… One on this side, and many more to the other. And those who pass over to this side, joining those who remain on this side, shall be plucked up and hidden; yet some shall be replanted and serve. While those who refuse My voice, even to rebel against Me, shall remain on their own part, on the other side of the line which The Lord has drawn, left to endure the plight of their error.
By this is the inner court and the outer court measured. And all found on the outer court shall surely die, for they are left outside, with no way in; though they falsely perceive themselves to be on the inside, with their backs set against the walls, placing all their faith in a house doomed to destruction, soon to be torn down…
Yet those who come out from among them shall enter the inner court, though they are seen as outcasts and labeled falsely as heretics by their peers; yet these shall surely live, escaping all these things which I am about to do, which I shall surely bring upon all the inhabitants of the earth. For indeed many are called, yet few are chosen, says The Lord. Even so, amen.
THEREFORE COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, AND SURRENDER UNTO ME! Come out from among them, and be separate from the churches of men! Touch no more the unclean thing, and I will receive you! Says The Lord…
TURN AWAY FROM MY VOICE NO LONGER, TO YOUR OWN HURT! For the time is ending and the first of many must be taken. They must enter in, and the door must be shut! For judgment shall rain down from heaven, filling the entire earth!…
COME OUT, THEREFORE, ALL YOU WHO HAVE EARS TO HEAR! Heed the sound of this trumpet, and come out, for this is indeed the Trumpet Call of God!… Says The Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer
I do not punish… Those who reject My Hand punish themselves
(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from February 9, 2011)
Those who walk in My Ways, walk in The Light… Yet Those, who refuse My Ways, abide in the Darkness already
[A Brother in Christ] Will you all pray for a sister in Christ?… She is going through hard times, and is convinced that God is trying to kill her, or something along those lines.
Thus says The Lord… I know all My sheep! And though they wander and betray their own hearts, I DO NOT punish them… They punish themselves… For one, who rejects My hand, has brought upon themselves a great emptiness without healing…
And by their own choice have they polluted and brought down this temple, I had given them… Rejecting The Healer, in favor of their own way… Deceiving themselves.
Therefore, I say woe, to all who lay blame at the feet of The Lord! I do not stalk My sheep, as though they were prey. Yet I do call out after them, even leaving the ninety-nine to seek out the one who has gone astray… And those who know My voice come running, even as young lambs leaping about in the open field in the height of summer!
Therefore, let no one pollute My love or cover over My ways with darkness, nor let the remarks of the wayward enter in… Turn to God!… Seek out My ways, that you may walk in them, for in doing so shall you come to know Me, as I truly am.
Obey My Voice or leave, but do no longer fight against Me
(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from July 28, 2011)
Thus says The Lord… Obey My voice and no more fight against Me, nor seek to justify your doings by any means. Rather receive My correction and follow your Beloved’s lead… As I have done toward the churches of men, so shall you do also.
For I have turned My back to the churches of men and removed My hand from their members… Lo, My spirit has departed from them. Therefore, you also shall not touch the unclean thing. You shall not welcome them in by any means, nor shall you listen to any word they speak. You shall accept nothing from their hands, for My face is set hard against them… Against their walls, against their speech, against their leaders… Yes, even against their members. For they are all daughters with one mother.
I Myself have sent many messengers to them, even My own Spirit has spoken to each one of them, yet they choose their own way and worship their own god… They do continually deny Me!… Therefore, they are forsaken for a time.
Beloved, obey My voice and seek not to justify your doings by any means. Speak not one word against MY prophet, in open or in secret. Let not one insult burst forth from your mouth, for he is MY prophet… To insult the messenger is to insult The One who sent Him.
How long shall this little flock resist Me and question My ways? How long shall they refuse to be broken?… They hear My words, but they will not do them!
For I see no real belief in them, and their root grows from that which I have not planted… They believe only in that which they can see, according to their own expectation, and their root is grounded firmly in the world and grows contrary to God… How then shall I gather them?
Love without Condition
(The Lord’s Message thru Brother Timothy from November 27, 2012)
(The Lord says) There were three men who devoted their lives to God, three men who sought to serve The Lord their God in righteousness. The first went out feeding the poor and the hungry, doing all he could for the needy as he was able. The second gave everything he had to those who asked, with no thought to himself, until the day came when he had nothing more to give and he too had to ask.
Yet the third did not go out, nor did he give to all who asked, but bowed down each day seeking the will of The Lord, wanting always to walk in the ways of his God. And though he stumbled often, and remained comfortable and wanted for nothing, the voice of The Lord spoke to him. And he did his best to obey the voice of The Lord each day, and remained faithful, in spite of his stumblings, fears and doubts.
Years passed by, and the three men continued in their walks, serving The Lord, each as they were able. Then the day came when each was presented with a new choice, one which they had not faced before…
To the first, The Lord sent a prophet, saying… „Thus says The Lord… Draw back now your hand from the needy, and no more go out to feed the poor and the hungry roundabout, but obey the word of My mouth and sound the trumpet.“ But he refused, and went away in unbelief, appalled by the Word he had heard by the mouth of the prophet.
The second man was faced with a similar choice; to him God sent the Word of The Lord in a book. Yet because it was not found in his Bible, the man immediately rejected it and went his way in unbelief, appalled by the Word which had been given him in the name of The Lord.
And to the third, The Lord Himself said… “My son, the time has come for you to give up all you hold most dear, to let go of everything you own, to give up your very life for My purpose, to serve without constraint… To be greatly hated and persecuted for My name’s sake.” And with tears streaming down his cheeks, the servant said… ‘Yes, Lord.’
Therefore My sons, I ask you, of these three men which one was truly devoted to Me, though all did good and fruitful works in My sight? For indeed many are called, yet few are chosen; lo, few recognize Me when I draw near.
Thus learning the lesson of obedience is far greater than witnessing a prophecy come to pass, and much greater than receiving healing by a miracle, for obedience is born of love.
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