Grand Earth Shamans of the New Lemuria Rising

2 years ago

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Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Grand Earth Shamans of the New Lemuria Rising

Today we commence the next 13 days through the Dreamspell of the Blue Eagle on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar as the Eagle Medicine transmits the Power of Flight so we can rise over the Elysium Field of the New Heaven upon the New Earth.

As Solaris released another trinity of M Class Solar Flares today with another M1 44 which is encoded with our Ground Crew Code of the 144 the Sun of God is speaking to us in Patterns, signs, symbols, synchronicities, codes and numbers. The Great Spirit is presenting us with daily Omens to confirm our Gnosis of our Ascension into the Light of the Holy Spirit.

With these massive energies coming in we had a major white spike on the Schumann charts today at an amplitude of 33 hz, the code of Divine Mastery and Christ Consciousness as 5th dimensional energetics continue to flood in. PAchamama also received a massive activation on the Ring of Fire with a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Vanuatu  at 12:32 UTC.

Your Rainbow Golden Halo is complete and surrounds your Crown Chakra for the Coronation of the Gold Buddha Mind. In the Enlightenment of Human Consciousness all is revealed and exposed in the Great Unveiling of the Multidimensional Eternal Spirit.

The Gold Chord to you and the Sun and the Silver Chord to you and the moon have been reconnected and now are intertwined amd fuse together to reconnect the White Diamond Chord to your Still Zero Point Center and directly to Source Creator for full connection to the totality of your Multidimensional Christed Self.

The Soul Source Code downloads have  commenced for the final downloads and upgrade to our 12 Dimensional Crystalline DNA.

From the very first not a thing is, mu. From emptiness into form all is made manifest in the Infinite Mind of God, the Great Mystery.

Every day now is the day of the Epiphany as Maji Grail Kings and Queens we honor the Golden Christ Child within and Celebrate the Beauty, Peace and Bliss of Divine Mother Earth and all her Children of the Sun...Aho!


Thank you for the donations today from Maryse Jean-Louis (Queen V - Higher Realm Holistics), Julian W, Lynn W, and Aron F.

Join our Eagle and Condor Tribe:

Big Welcome and much Gratitude to our new supporters this month on Patreon!!

Cindy W.
Melinda H.

thank you to our tribe members for raising your pledge this month:

new Tribe members go here for our teachings and trainings:

Galactic Federation of Light, The Event, Great Awakening, I Am, Love, New Earth, Starseed, Omega, Eagle and Condor, Hieros Gamos, Gaia, Alchemy, Divine Feminine, Paul White Gold Eagle, Quantum Leap, Enoch, Shaman, Revelation, Ascension, Source , Arcturus , Arcturians , Bodhisattva , Ascension, Music of the Spheres, Power, Purification, Rose Heart Activation, Galactic Center , Prime Disclosure, Solar Flash, shift, divine, journey


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