A Veteran's Letter to America and Her People

2 years ago

A Veteran's Letter to America and Her People
“I have never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.” – Thomas Jefferson. But Be aware President Biden Has Cross Those Lines
Dear United States of America,
Over the last decade, I have watched our country’s citizens disrespect our veterans through its political divisiveness and its distain for its fellow citizens. It is this reason that I no longer want to be considered an Army Veteran and forgo the honor associated with it, until our nation moves away from its destructive path. It is with just cause that I outline the reasons that compel the separation of my association.
For those who served, our reasons are as great and diverse as this land but rooted in a common belief that this country’s ideals and its people are worth death. As an adopted immigrant child - whose ancestors fought in every war going back to our revolution and through the writings of our founders -my heart knew the importance of sacrificing for our people and protecting mankind’s unalienable rights. Without hesitation, I was prepared to place my life upon the altar of freedom for you, believing that America and her people were the light in a dark world. However, the persistent deplorable acts of her people to plainly show that its people have taken for granted the liberties that define a free people and thereby insulting the soldiers who sacrificed for it.
For too long, I have watched the bi-partisan plague that has infected our government rip through the general population like a deadly virus killing our moral fiber. This virus has been created by tyrannical politicians and spread by their many media aids, who are more concerned with lining their pockets than the success of a free people.

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