Sacred Connection Between Pets and Humans with Tammy Billups and Zoh Hieronimus

2 years ago

Animal communicator Tammy Billups sits down with host Dr. Zohara Hieronimus to discuss the transition of the Animal Soul, as featured in the book Animal Soul Contracts—Sacred Agreements for Shared Evolution, Inner Traditions, 2020.

This book is a guide to discovering the spiritual agreements between our souls and those of our animal companions. Billups explains how animals have physical or behavioral issues to evolve their souls as well as help our soul’s evolution and release past-life karma. What happens energetically and spiritually with animals in the weeks before they transition and during their passing? Included are practical instructions for identifying the different types of animal soul contracts and aligning with them to assist your shared evolutionary journey.

This interview was recorded in 2019. Produced by Hieronimus & Co. for 21st Century Radio®. Edited version provided to Nightlight Radio with permission

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