New Zealand UNDRIP. You Won't Believe What's Coming.

1 year ago

UNDRIP is, simply put, the Doctrine of discovery all over again …​. It is the plan of the UN to take all the land away from ALL OF US. They Use the propaganda and their trickery of deceit with the word Indigenous - Do not be fooled! They are Evil

Paragraphs sub 2 and sub 3 of article 46 of UNDRIP threaten to function in the same way as the repugnancy clause.

Indigenous rights repugnancy clause

IT IS A TRICK. They are using the hopes and vulnerabilities of the Indigenous communities to bring in International law.

The Liberals, Conservatives, Green and the rest of the Globalist's parties are all in bed together. As many of you are aware canada Inc. has never had elections! They are all fraud, and deception.

The parasites are using virtual signaling and “let pretend to do good for those poor Sovereigns without running water” to intervene on the land mass know as canada which is all unseeded land and the true owners are all the Sovereigns who have been deceived by the unlawful corporation of canada!

They have been raping and pillaging all the sovereigns for hundreds of years.

UNDRIP is making it look like they are giving it all back to the Sovereigns .


External forms of self-determination are off the table for indigenous cultures, which means even though Indigenous nations have treaties that confirm and recognize Sovereignty by coming under section 35, they are actually giving up their sovereignty.

The UN does not define the term “indigenous”. Are indigenous people minorities? The UN states that minorities are not permitted self-determination.

The UN Member states will be able to dictate law, with THEIR definitions, a dangerous precedent.

I am sure the assertion is not what the ancestors were seeking.

The Indian Act is a fraud as the BNA Act they call a Constitution Act, but how does UNDRIP alter it and improve it for the Sovereigns ?

If the Nation falls, which is the master UN Agenda 21/30 plan (as they have named, many times publicly, the One World Order), . All Sovereigns will lose their Sovereignty, COMPLETELY.

This will not do anything but do more harm as they have done for thousands of years.

UNDRIP The devil is in the details.

The UN is actually the ENEMY. It is dangerous to allow FOREIGN law to supersede Natural Sovereign law. This is how we have lost all sorts of trading rights under another scam called NAFTA and the Paris Accord. All slippery-slope methods for the One World Order takeover to sneak in. Centralization is dangerous.

Is it wise to give our own power away to an international authority? Especially when we see huge shifts of power happening ever since this Covid Trojan horse began? The Great Reset from the World Economic Forum? The UN’s own Agenda 21/Agenda 2030? The language is the same here, sounds great on paper. In its depth, it is fancy language for a one-world takeover. What they really mean is they want less of us, want to restrict the way we live, all based on lies. I don’t know why more Sovereigns don’t see how evil the UN is, but THEY should have been disbanded long ago.

Canada Inc under the Harper Dictatorship was involved and preparation and development as the previous Crime minsters, and with the new Crime minster Justine Trudeau with UN 2030, under the guise of the fake climate change hoax which is here to restrict our use of all our Sovereign natural resources.

So what happens when the Sovereign wants to use a lake for fishing and the UN 2030 Charter steps in and says “Sorry, you cannot, as this is a protected lake under international law”, and are no longer able to be used to protect their freedom to fish?

Sounds nice right? It’s not. It is a pretty package only, wrapped inside is the most twisted evil anyone would have a hard time imagining.

Here is what they are really doing.

These are the facts.


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