Rant EP 4 (Mental Decline)

2 years ago

What's up everybody? Welcome to Rant where you get to hear me talk about everything. The left, the right, the up, the down. It doesn't matter because there's a finger trap on both sides. I want to get into this thing with these politicians that clearly have some mental.

and some problems going on. Let's get into this, this way, okay? You have Joe Biden and you have Federman. Okay? You have Lori Lightfoot, and a whole bunch of other ones, okay? Now, the thing that they all have in common is they have an agenda for themselves, okay? There's a lot of 'em. I'm just naming a few.

So don't go and start saying, oh, well, what about such and such? I could sit here and name all of 'em all day. But anyway, you came here to listen to me rant. Now, sit back and enjoy the rant. Thank you. First of all, Lori Lightfoot looks like Beetlejuice. Everybody knows that. I don't have to say that out loud, but I figured you might want to hear that out loud.

Lori Lightfoot looks like Beetlejuice. Okay, let's get that out of the way. That Federman, you know, he had a stroke and everybody's like, well, you know, he had a stroke and so, okay, well, you're not ready. Maybe next round, buddy. Next round. Okay. You gotta sit this one out. There's people's lives that are at stake and you.

Put their lives on hold because you don't wanna wait it out now while you figuring it out. You know, everybody else is struggling. Everybody's struggling. These politicians, you know that, you're struggling. Okay. Now we don't know what he's gonna do. We don't know if he's good. We don't know if he's bad.

Then again, I have to put this, there's no left and nose. Because there's a finger trap on both sides, so either side, you're being screwed. So we already know what Lori Light foot's doing. Okay? There's crime everywhere. She's not doing anything. First thing you say something to her about anything that's wrong and she has an attitude, right?

There's a red flag right there. Flag on the play right there. She's just being evil about anything you say to. That is wrong. Hey, what about the crime? Oh, crimes down this and that, and blah, blah, blah, and yada, yada, yada, yada, yada. And I seen that thing where she said, I need office time. Every day. Every day.

Office time, office time. I don't know how true that is or where, what the extent did that go to, but being a politician and throwing a temper, tantrum it, it doesn't work out. And then you have these, you know, Joe Biden, who is clearly having some old man problems, okay? He's really clearly having some old man problems, but nobody is saying anything.

Everybody's talking about it. Everybody talks about it, but nobody is actually doing anything about it. Now, I'm not gonna go into detail about what people could. , but I'm just saying what people aren't doing is anything. Now , I could speak for myself on that and I could speak from seeing this.

Now we don't know what some people are doing or if anybody has anything and, and plans to try to cure this or make it happen or, you know. But if you look down the. All these politicians who have problems should not be able to uphold office. If you can't pass the sniff test, no pun intended.

If you can't pass the sniff test, then you should not be able to go in and try to uphold the law so people can have a, you know, can go to work fine and have a. Life things that politicians are supposed to do. I know there's different branches of government and they do different things.

So that being said, I don't think you should be creating more problems for people. that already have problems. You know, people have everyday problems. Okay, now, you know, everybody's talking about the gas prices, you know, they're up there and inflation and stuff like that. But meanwhile, we have a president who has a mental decline and is not able to do rational things.

You know, everybody's like, oh, he's shaking hands with the air. Okay. Or He's going the wrong way. He needs guidance, he needs this, he needs that. Okay, well that should not. In a place for an American president. Any politician. Any politician. That's like, that's almost like having someone from a different country come to America and become president, but they cannot speak English at all.

They do not speak our language at all, but they come over here and you elected them as president. Having Joe Biden as a president is equivalent to that having any politic. In office is equivalent to that. Any politician with a clear problem, mental problem is equivalent to having a foreigner come over here who cannot speak English and running and having an American office.

No, it's not. It's not good. It's not good at all. It's not good at all. and I don't understand why people aren't doing this. And I, I gotta learn a lot more how the, you know, how certain things run and certain things turn out and why this happens and why that happens. But that's, you know, on my own studying to do.

I'm not up here trying to give facts or anything like that. And this is one of the reasons why this is not going to be on a. YouTube or anything like that because it's gonna get flagged because I say words like, cancel culture. Maybe Joe Biden. Hey, I, I can't even, they, they're even flagging stuff.

When you say covid, I said it three time. Covid, covid, covid. You should not, I should not be censored. . But anyway, this isn't a rant about censorship. We did that last one. Okay. This one is clearly about Federman, Lori Lightfoot and Joe Biden. Just the main three. Just the main three. There's a lot of 'em out there, but just these main three are the ones I'm focusing on.

Okay. I don't understand. I. To run for mayor of a city. I don't know how that works. I know you have to be a resident of that city, just like you have to be a resident of the United States to run for, you have to be a, natural American born citizen to run for president in the United States.

I know that. But to run for mayor, I mean, how do you go about getting someone out of office? I know there's the 25th amendment for the president. Does that go for any other politician or anything like that? There has to be something to where we're not looking deep enough to find out what's going on because we just lay down and take it and it's not what we're supposed to be doing.

We're taking it from each side. I mean, I don't know what party these are. Okay. If you know they're Democrats, Republicans, I don't know. It doesn't matter. It is an independent circus. Warner Brothers, barman Bailey. I don't know. I don't know. I don't care. The only thing I care about is if you are doing wrong, if my life is affected because you don't know how to make the choices and you're not listening to me.

That's the only thing I care about. I don't care if you're a Republican. I don't care if you're a Democrat or whatever. If you're doing wrong, you are. There's no, oh, the left wants to do this, or the far right, or this and that. Those are just things to keep us on the side. To keep us separated. To keep us separated.

Now, whenever this was coming out, whenever the whole election thing was coming out, we're staying Now when this whole election thing comes out, nobody ever talks about what side, whether they're voting or whatever. Oh, I voted independent, or I'm voting Democrat, or I'm voting republic. As soon as you start talking about something if you're a Republican, you start talking about what the Democrats are doing wrong.

Or if you're a Democrat and you're talking about what the Republicans are doing wrong or anything like that, the opposite person automatically feels threatened and they want. And this is exactly by design. This is what they want. They want people to lose friendships and families to fight over the fact that Donald Trump is president.

and he's doing something or he's not doing something. They want people to fight over this. Be furious. They love it. They're rubbing their hands together like, Hey, while they're distracted over this stuff, we're just gonna rob 'em blind. We're just gonna rob 'em blind. It's so easy to distract the American people.

All you do is you give 'em a device, put it in their face. Put it in their face and tell 'em some bull and then, you know, they'll go fight with their cousins and their brothers and neighbors about it. We won't get blamed for it. They'll yell at us, but we don't get punishment for it. Let the neighbors and stuff deal with it.

That's exactly what happens in America. And when that happens, people like Lori Lightfoot, Joe Biden and the Federman guy gets in there that clearly has some type of problem. They get in there while we're fighting amongst each other. They get in there and they start telling us what we can and cannot do.

Now, we don't even have time to look up the law about things because we're so far fighting about who's a Democrat and who's a Republican and who's doing wrong and who's doing right now. You could be a Democrat and see Democrats doing wrong. You can be a Republican and do see Republicans do. Now what we ought to do as people, what we have to do as people is look back and see regardless of who's who and what is what.

If you are doing wrong, you are doing wrong. It doesn't matter what side or whatever entity you're on. If you're wrong, you're wrong. Thanks for listening to me rant

about the left, the right. The ups, the downs, it doesn't matter because there's a finger trap on each side. Until next time.

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