CERN | Higgs Fake [2016] (Physicist calling out the nonsense misleading science)

2 years ago

The Higgs Fake - A Critique of Modern Particle Physics

The Higgs Fake: How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee
(Dr. Unzicker's book)

Dr. Alexander Unzicker is a physicist and author who is very critical of particle physics and in particular, the Higgs Particle. His book “The Higgs Fake”, “How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee” is a great example of how some scientists today are challenging the very foundations of mainstream science.

Alexander Unzicker's website:

Video Source:
The Higgs Fake - A Critique of Modern Particle Physics

See his many lectures calling out the "embarrassing nonsense of particle Physicists":

CERN From Different Perspectives [Videos]
Jumping around looking at the various perspectives of CERN today, having no formed-opinion of it myself, only that “We don’t know much about it, and apparently, neither do the physicists that work there,” and yet it generates billions of dollars for itself and convinces governments around the world to throw millions at it, and it’s setup all over the world, including Australia.

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