Walking among the Dead ~ Mtsar

2 years ago

…the seeming explosion of cases of depressive disorder is puzzling. What has happened to create the appearance of this epidemic? - Horwitz & Wakefield (The Loss of Sadness)

Everybody is living in bondage, because everybody who brought you up wanted to have power over you, to enjoy the mastery over you. And children are the most helpless people in the world, the most exploited class. It is not the proletariat who are the most exploited class, it is not women who are the most exploited class. It is the children who are the most exploited class
- Osho

I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection – Sigmund Freud

There is no anti-depressant that will cure a depression that's spiritually based, for the malaise doesn't originate from brain dysfunction, but from an accurate response to the desecration of life - David R. Hawkins

"...to walk this path – the Siddhartha Road – means that in the end no one else is qualified to gauge our progress. One must judge it for themselves without input from anyone else. This self-commitment is known as Individuation, its opposite being habituation, the choice of the multitude, signed, sealed and approved by the herd."
~ Mtsar (Koyaanisquatsi) article

"...true happiness equates with rebellion, individuality and Selfhood. It is not something one finds at the end of a road, but something one actually walks with and is. It’s not a separate quality one pockets or installs. Rather it's a consequence of one’s heroic commitment to their vocation.

Happiness intensifies for the vocational being. His abandonment of the recreational and occupational spheres of existence brings him a sense of well-being unknown to others." ~ Mtsar

"Those incarcerated within recreational and occupational spheres of operation are not only not genuinely happy, they are often deeply depressed and neurotic. This occurs because they are plagued by non-conscious shame for living inauthentically. This in turn means they've spent a lot of time evading the call of their dharma. Or it's likely that their attempts to commit to their vocation have repeatedly met with overwhelming resistance from others." ~ Mtsar (Koyaanisquatsi)

Nothing great enters the life of mortals without a curse - Sophocles

"To silence the voice within, members of the Thugocracy violently react against external obscenities and affronts. They get caught in a necrophilous cycle from which they cannot easily escape. Their Will-to-Meaning degenerates into a raw will-to-power which soon degenerates further into a blind will-to-negation. In their frenzied and disorganized condition they're unaware that it is themselves they wish to uproot and incinerate." ~ Mtsar

"The pathogenic society creates millions of pathological people chronically dependent on one another’s approval. And to secure this approval there’s no depths to which one will not go. It never occurs to neurotic types that only by examining the causes of their psychic fragility can genuine happiness be secured. No! Psychology be damned, it's politics that wins the day, right?"
~ Mtsar

"Losers of the Dragon Fight emerge with their wills and identities crushed."
~ Mtsar

"What we must get clear is that the average unsane teen isn’t striking out against the evils of society or civilization, although that is what most duped people want to believe. The average delinquent and radical strikes out at their sick parents, too infected by self-deception, hypocrisy and denial to acknowledge the truth." ~ Mtsar (Koyaanisquatsi) article

…in our society it is not those who suffer that are weak but those who fear suffering – Arno Gruen

"With more and more feminized males and females loose in the world - and more terrible mothers infesting government, politics and key social positions - this type of convenient mitigation becomes all the more pervasive. Soon all deviance and criminality will be normalized, setting the scene for total Adultism. No terrible parent will be condemned for their child-abuse. They need only claim to have been "abused" themselves to have society hand them their “get out of jail free” card." ~ Mtsar


Saor - Bròn

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