Ranking the Best & Worst Video Game Controllers

2 years ago

Regardless of the system you play on or the games you play, one thing is relatively constant: the controller you use to play the system and games. Over the years I have bought or avoided certain systems solely on the controller and whether I liked how it felt in my hands or not. What are some of my favorites? And least favorites? We take you through just a few of the best and worst video game controllers in our opinion.

Nintendo 64 Controller
While many may not dig the N64 controller, I found it to be both versatile and comfortable. The trident design was super different than anything else to that point, and the analog stick made 3D platformers really shine.

Xbox Series X|S Controller
I have not been a fan of most of Microsoft's controllers over the years, but more on that in a minute. The Xbox Series S|X controllers were backward compatible with the Xbox One S|X, which is why I grabbed one of these to play with initially. Then I got a Series S, and it really became something better than I had experienced from Microsoft in the past. This is a really good controller, the best they've produced to date,

Atari Jaguar
I have never known Atari to make a single good controller and the Jaguar is right there with the bad batch. Who thought putting a telephone gamepad on a controller was a good idea? The Jaguar controller is large, bulky, and overall garbage. Thankfully a Sega Genesis Controller works with many games.

Sony DualSense
I love the DualShock controllers, and when I first saw the DualSense I was unsure whether I'd like it or not. Well, I don't like it; I LOVE IT! The adaptive triggers are awesome, the overall size and ergonomics are wonderful, and I absolutely love the DualSense.

Sega Dreamcast
Man, I hate this controller. Like there's really only one worse in my opinion. Sure, the analog stick is decent, but I don't like the button size and placement, I am not a fan of the triggers, and the whole VMU thing is just weird. I am not a fan of this controller at all, which is why I am glad Retro Fighters offers a Dreamcast controller that's vastly superior.

XBox Duke Controller
This is my least favorite controller of ALL TIME! This thing is unnecessarily massive, the whole black/white button thing forces me to take my eyes off the screen to see what button I am pushing, and overall this is the worst controller I've ever used. There's stories that the Xbox controller is based on the Dreamcasts, and it makes sense to me as neither are controllers I want to use.

USA Super Nintendo Controller
What do you get when you combine amazing ergonomics, responsive buttons and d-pad, and add useful updates from the previous generation? You get the USA Super Nintendo Controller. While I love the color scheme of the Super Famicom Controller, the Concave/Convex buttons of the US Super Nintendo make it vastly superior to me. The SNES is literally my favorite controller for any system of all time, and it's simply perfect.

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