False gods of Our Time Intellectual Reasons for a Christian Worldview (Dr. Norman Geisler)

2 years ago

False gods of Our Time

- This video provides an antidote to the bombardment of erroneous and confusing philosophies which are presented convincingly as truth, while simultaneously attempting to undermine Biblical Christianity.

Some of these philosophies include Atheism, the New Age, Humanism, the Occult, Evolution, and false signs and wonders. False gods of Our Time provides Biblical evidence to demonstrate there are sound intellectual reasons for a Christian worldview.

The Trial of the False gods Isaiah 40-49 Study

Isaiah 46:8-10, Trial of the false gods,
God Tells us He is God, By Declaring The Future in Prophecy

Now, look at these passages in Isaiah in the section of the trial of the false gods. I love this portion of scripture. In Isaiah chapters 40-49, the LORD God puts all on notice that He alone has the ability to tell us what is coming. We call it prophecy. Much of it has already been fulfilled, but much has not. Look at a sampling of the prophet Isaiah. See our study on the Trial of the false gods where God demonstrates He alone is God.

Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? Who has performed and done [it], Calling the generations from the beginning? ‘I, the LORD, am the first; And with the last I [am] He.’ ” [Isaiah 40:21]

All credit for this video goes to the late Dr. Norman Geisler.

*See Also our Teaching on a Tour of Isaiah "The Trial of the False gods"

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