Wood Turning: Live Edge Hickory Bowl + Laser Pecker 2 in action!

2 years ago

This week I turned a live edge bowl from a piece of hickory taken from a friend's firewood pile. The wood had been cut recently and was still quite wet; just overnight the piece had warped so much that the bottom of the bowl was no longer flat. I'll have to re-mount it in a few weeks and flatten the bottom.

I also recently acquired a Laser Pecker 2. I will be using this from now on to engrave my pieces with my logo. I didn't go into detail, ie a tool review, about the Laser Pecker 2, but did leave the video in real time during the engraving so you can get an idea of the time, which wasn't too long! If enough interest is generated, I may do a longer video about the Laser Pecker 2 itself.

Our videos are for entertainment purposes only. Working with any machinery/equipment can be dangerous. Our use of any machinery/equipment may not necessarily be the best/safest practice. You have to decide for yourself what is safe for you. You are responsible for your own choices and safety practices!

Intro Music:
Cattails - Thatched Villagers by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100743
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

All other music from YouTube Audio Library

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